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i don't even know where to start with my disappoinment.

not so much with the plan. I do believe we need something.

its the rest i'm saddened with.

The plan was never there. Typical gov't spending. Throw money at it but not have a plan or the proper people in place to carry it out.

I believe we need something, just not the ACA.

Mike, what is your opinion on Obama saying 20+ times to the public about keeping their plan if they like it and Dr if they like them?

We are in Open Enrollment with my employer and and my plan that I loved is no longer being offered. My plan is called the same thing but it different now. Granted the premium only went up $15, but my deductible went up 300% and now I have 10% coinsurance responsibility.

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you have the ability to shop dave,

i'm sure he didn't sit down with his counsel and decide he would lie to everybody. Either he didn't fully understand the INSURANCE COMPANIES would be dropping the policies. ITS NOT ACA dropping plans, its the INSURANCE company being unable to offer plans that hit the requirements.

show me a drop letter from the govt.

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you have the ability to shop dave,

i'm sure he didn't sit down with his counsel and decide he would lie to everybody. Either he didn't fully understand the INSURANCE COMPANIES would be dropping the policies. ITS NOT ACA dropping plans, its the INSURANCE company being unable to offer plans that hit the requirements.

show me a drop letter from the govt.


Shop, all the plans that are offered to me and my family are 3x more expensive than what I have now. It is the fact that what I had before I can not get because of the requirements of the ACA. That is what my company sent out to all the employees.

The requirements in the ACA do have some shitty requirements. Why would a 55 year old man need to have maternity coverage on his plan? It is the ACA (government) that put those requirements in that are making the insurance company's drop people plans because they dont meet those requirements.

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listen to the pRES speech in a couple minutes.

i'm hearing he will keep old plans

. Why would a 55 year old man need to have maternity coverage on his plan? It is the ACA (government) that put those requirements in that are making the insurance company's drop people plans because they dont meet those requirements.

are you 55?

don't worry about it, you suddenly care about anybody but yourself?

they aren't making the ins. companies do anything, They are dropping the plans instead of trying to comply.

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I am streaming now, So if he says you can keep your old plan.. that is him back peddling because he and his administration fucked things up. They want to figure this shit out but they had 3 years to do that.

I am not 55 but this is something that is affecting my brothers and other family members so it is affecting others in this country with those requirements.

The ACA is stating what is a requirement. The insurance companies that are part of the ACA are saying "well we dont offer those requirements in those plans, so we will drop those plans and give them other options, they might be more expensive, but we are OK with that". Most of the country that has a healthcare exchange (federal or state) dont nearly have the offerings of health insurance companies that they used to. In rural areas you might have 2 options and they are showing to be a substantial increase in premium and deductibles.

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so lets here your suggestion.

i'm pretty sure the GOVT monitors this site because of Pats crazy posts.

Well I think there should be a baseline health option for everyone that revolves around catastrophic events. I also thing pre-existing conditions is a great option and mandate.

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when your brother got hurt, what type of coverage did he have? did he or your family have to help with his bills? Did he need to go on a disability program from work or health ins?

is he on a SS now or totally recovered?

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i don't even know where to start with my disappoinment.

not so much with the plan. I do believe we need something.

its the rest i'm saddened with.

How did you ever expect anything but this? It was a clusterfuck when it was written, it was a clusterfuck how it was written, and it was so bad that they simply said trust us, you don't need to read it, it's so good it will put double D's on your wife and take away your beer gut. That's what happened. The Dems lined up and said we support Obama and trusted him and Pelosi and Reid so completely that every one of them in the Senate and the House voted for the ACA and it passed because the Dems owned both House and Senate it passed without serious vetting.

See how the House voted?


Dems own this. It is their fuckup.

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you have the ability to shop dave,

i'm sure he didn't sit down with his counsel and decide he would lie to everybody. Either he didn't fully understand the INSURANCE COMPANIES would be dropping the policies. ITS NOT ACA dropping plans, its the INSURANCE company being unable to offer plans that hit the requirements.

show me a drop letter from the govt.

This is bullshit. He has the ability to shop if he wants to go it alone and there's no guarantee his employer will cover their half of the premium if he does go it alone. In fact, they likely will not.

And Mike, you don't know what the hell you're talking about here. Obama lied. The administration straight-up miscalculated or prevaricated, they said, well of course anyone can keep their policy. The small print though said: If they don't change it in the three years that pass from the point the law is put into place and the point at which the Exchanges become available.

Was there a big blinking sign that explained to the individual last year or the year before warning them that if they made changes to their insurance policy it was no longer going to be exempted from the ACA? No. There wasn't.

The let's believe they weren't doing this on purpose story would be that Democrats and the Administration completely failed to comprehend how the market for individual insurance functions - you renegotiate every year in many cases because individuals are always looking for a better option or to deal with cost increases. The insurance policy changes as a result every time they make a change. And so the majority of policy holders, who took what they needed and made changes to fit their budgets / coverage needs, all got screwed because now their new policy that they signed up for this year or last year is no longer supported.

The other story was that many of them understood this, and specifically avoided being more precise so as not to enrage the voters before the 2012 elections. Do you think Obama would have been reelected if this was the story they told?

You want a drop letter:

here's a doozy for you

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listen to the pRES speech in a couple minutes.

i'm hearing he will keep old plans

Then the whole thing is going to fail and be far more expensive than originally projected. Because by allowing people to keep their plans their completely changing the economics of the law as written. Insurance companies are going to have to revamp their projections around any specific policy and the premiums will adjust accordingly.

The claim that they're not making the insurance companies do anything but instead the companies are dropping policies instead of complying refuses to acknowledge the reality that the question is whether or not the plan is viable and at what cost / price in order to support it. If you think they can just comply without significantly increasing costs due to the additionally mandated coverage you've gone off the deep end Mike. Either way people are going to pay more because the policies they liked and wanted they can't have because the government says they aren't sufficient.

And here's the thing. By saying consumers can keep their policies only puts in place a stop gap because everyone knows but isn't saying that a large number of these individual policy holders are going to wind up needing to change their policies in a year or two but the hope is that by then the furor will have died down and people will have been cowed into accepting what has become inevitable. I don't think it saves them from the pitchforks though when that happens. Just delays it.

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Read and understand:


There are huge policy and cost implications about what Obama just declared. And it's not clear he can legally do it.

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