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Ct School Shooting Newtown Ct


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The question Travis is whether we were ever as civilized as we claim to be.

That obviously was the point of the conclusion of William Golding's little novel with the spic and span naval officer staring down at the rabble of young school boys gone bad and then looking out at his nice massive Destroyer sitting out on the bay.

Here's the difference though, and I suspect this is where Mike and Chuck disagree. We're hyper aware of any killings that happen due to the 24 hour news cycle. This creates hyper sensitivity and over reaction because we believe things that are happening hundreds if not thousands of miles away are now likely to happen in our backyard. And while there is a possibility those things could happen, the probability is not incrementally increased over when we did not have the internet and 24 hour news. Yes, some people do self-identify with a shooter and there may be some copycatting, but in reality, these horrible occurrences do not necessarily mean we as a society have degraded in our morality (although I think there are other indicators to provide persuasive arguments that general morality is degenerating). We're just now extra aware of them happening.

It baffles me some days when the news explains to me that over in India, somewhere I will never visit, an accident occurred where a few people died. I'm not sure why this is news worth knowing about. It will never directly impact my life. But yet NPR or CNN both feel the need to tell me about it.

Information overload.

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Ding ding ding. Reasons not to watch the news. They have to feed on our panic. They create a sky-is-falling sensationalist approach to everything. And our own social problems with talking about emotional moments rationally prevent people from saying we need to calm down.

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Same name, different guy.



Makes me glad no one else in the whole wide world has the exact same spelling of my name as me.

No, it's not. They misidentified him.

But apparently they are holding the shooter's younger brother as a suspect in this.

So for those who didn't already know this, I saw on the news that was his brother, and I'm pretty sure that facebook was accurately his brother. And the reason they misreported the name was because he had his brother's ID with him. Then the news said his assumed innocent brother's name a thousand times. Guessing he didn't like him very much.
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I've been using out of site out of mind since Friday afternoon. Its hard to disconnect like this.

They were running an update on NPR and I just started getting angry, frustrated, sad. I have too many questions

Also if those Westboro douche bags think they're going to make an impression on a CT town with staties on the local beat, they're in for another thing.

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I'm going to make a single exception to my statement that I won't further discuss what happened in CT until the details are in. This strikes me as the most highly plausible explanation of what happened. His actions, the attack on 1st Graders, speak to a lonely child, feeling rejected by his parents, attacking what he believed his mother loved more. What doesn't sync though is the claim by the school that they have no records of her working with Sandy Hook Elementary. Which is possible if she was working there or had worked there as a volunteer.

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That does sound highly plausible. I know some people will be offended by my feeling sorry for the shooter, but I do. No one should have to go through so much pain. Insanity is a truly ugly thing, and perhaps it is the true evil in the world in and of itself.

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