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Tuners Rejoice! Free Tuning For M4.4!

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OK, here is the TL;DR version of my previous post. Just trying to make sure I have things set-up properly for the WBO2 Modulation mod.

I changed the 'VE Part Load Map" to the AFR Part Load Map in the XDF with the following conversion.

I took the values from that map and pasted them to the "VE Part Load Map - Alternate 1" in the XDF. That conversion factor is what was needed to get the proper readings in TP to match what was needed for the Output Sequencer from the Spartan 2. (Due to the odd -0.8V offset that is showing up, some of the values in the lower right have adjusted themselves)

I set the values for XTANS and XPTE to the same conversion in the ADX



Here is a section of the log I posted above. This section was at a steady 50-ish mph cruise, and you can see the Target AFR (black) and the WBO2 (XPTE) (red). It looks like it's doing "the thing", but not hitting the target AFR. Except for on some decels, it's always a bit richer than the target.

After taking that log, the car was basically driven 22 total hours over the next 2-3 days and performed without issue. As mentioned, I also verified the WBO2 voltage going INTO the ECU and it matches what's expected.

Any hints, thoughts, clues would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello to all. 

Maybe some can help me with a hurdle im having. 
Im working with M4.4 on my 97 V70R FWD manual. 

I installed Ostrich and everything seems to be working, its emulating, i can upload bins and change parameters, but i do not have any live data. 
That function worked fine for logging when i was flashing my ECU thru OBD, but now i cant connect it. Do i have to change some other parameters to make it to work ? 

Maybe there is an article somewhere on how to make it work ? 


Thanks for any help. 



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So, does anyone have any input into the configuration I posted above? I'm going to dig into the internal connections on the ECU again, but I want to verify that I at least have set things up properly in TP. I've been trying to do some digging, but even in this thread info seems to be elusive.

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I mapped my engine with a stand alone WB lambda unit from ETAS (LA2). It was a good thing to have a second trustable source of the real lambda.  Do you know any mechanic or company that has a lambda probe or likewise to insert in the exhaust while at idle?  In Sweden we need to pass a yearly inspection including lambda at idle and elevated idle.  

It is always hard to know for sure when you only have the ECU values.  

// Turboforslund

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I checked the voltage FROM the Spartan 2 into the ECU and they appear accurate to what is being shown in TP.

I need to see if I can get rid of that voltage offset I mentioned, but was mainly looking to see if I have configured things properly (conversion factors aside) for the mod. Using the proper maps, etc.

It appears to be working, but is either targeting or reporting the wrong AFR.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, after messing with it some more, it appears that the ECU is switching at a value that is NOT the Target AFR.

I did some investigations on the WBO2 wiring in the ECU. This particular one I had the signal grounded to the same location as the power ground (A13), so I changed to the suggested location from Aaron (B28). No change in the offset.  I then moved it to A18 and also tried direct to the battery with no change in the offset. I also tested a second Spartan II controller which again resulted in no change.

Basically I have a -0.8V or -1.56 point AFR offset in what the signal coming into the ECU vs what TP is reporting. After adjusting my conversion factor in for the WBO2 in the XDF and ADX as posted above, I get the proper expected  calibration outputs from the Spartan's Output Sequencer. Once running, the car runs at approx -1.5AFR lower than target and judging by the NB switching, it's targeting a value that is lower than the Target AFR.

Should I adjust the offset on the AFR Part Load map in the bin? I'm not sure what I'm missing here.

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Maybe your BIN is calibrated wrong from the get go ?

All the input values from the WB sensor should have a "translation map" in the ECU, meaning X volts should correspond to Y AFR. If that is wrong, all further calculations are wrong.

In my case (AEM WB) I tied it to the rear O2 sensor which gave me an offset of 0.7V (because that's how ECU is built, GND is offseted by 0.7V on that ground pin of the O2 sensors)

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11 minutes ago, Midnight Caller said:

Maybe your BIN is calibrated wrong from the get go ?

All the input values from the WB sensor should have a "translation map" in the ECU, meaning X volts should correspond to Y AFR. If that is wrong, all further calculations are wrong.

In my case (AEM WB) I tied it to the rear O2 sensor which gave me an offset of 0.7V (because that's how ECU is built, GND is offseted by 0.7V on that ground pin of the O2 sensors)

Pretty sure that's what is done in my longer post above. At least that's based on the instructions I got from Aaron. The VE map was converted to the AFR map  and the Alternate 1 VE Part Load map becomes the target AFR map.

None of the signal grounds I have tried are supposed to have any offset in them, and I'm using the Tank Pressure sensor ADC for the input.

There is something set-up or configured wrong, but I can't seem to find it. 

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On 5/28/2022 at 3:34 PM, Chuck W said:

So, does anyone have any input into the configuration I posted above? I'm going to dig into the internal connections on the ECU again, but I want to verify that I at least have set things up properly in TP. I've been trying to do some digging, but even in this thread info seems to be elusive.

First off ditch that sensor and get an AEM X series 30-0300. The wideband needs to have a signal ground for the 5v signal from the AFR gauge so it can compensate for the ECU voltage offset.


Second of all there is a delay from when the exhaust gas exits the engine until it makes its way to the O2 sensor. You need a "lambda delay table" in order for AFR correction to work properly. Without it there will be a discrepancy between what the O2 sensor is seeing vs what the actual AFR is at that time. I don't know if Aaron has implemented that. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/22/2022 at 8:08 PM, razori said:

If @Turboforslund can finish the xdf for 305 I'd be more than happy to test it out :huh:

Long story short;

After several hundred kms of testing I came to a conclusion that none of the currently available bins with 609 values (LPT maps in them) work 100% in my 305 based car. So what I've done is created an xdf for 305bin myself.

Not only the car works like a charm, I've made some changes to the VE map so that I can run E85 if I so desire, changed the injector constant, dead times and some other basic stuff.

Next step is to transfer the logging code in to the 305bin. Which atm is giving me a headache :wacko:

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