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Connection Issues Motronic 4.3 To At-Ecm


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Hi Guys,

My name is Kevin, I live in Holland and own a 97 V70 2.5T AWD with some mods. I'm new to this forum, but liking it already. I'll be visiting often as I like to fiddle around with my car...

But for now I'm having some problems on a different car with which I could really use some help from you specialists:

On a 960 I'm replacing a manual transmission with an automatic, which is actually 95% done, Apart from 6 wires I need to connect to the cars ECU.

The problem lies in the fact that the original car the automatic was in was equipped with a Bosch M1.8 ECU, and the car it is in now has a M4.3 ECU.

I managed to hook most of the wiring up, the car runs, the automatic works to some extent, as it is not yet hooked up to the car's ECU.

The real problem is that I need to find out what pins the remaining 6 wires need to be hooked up to.

I know their function, but I need to allocate the pins with the same function in the M4.3 ECU, and I'm having trouble getting some detailed information about that.

Is there someone out there who can help me in any way?

It would be greatly appreciated:-)

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