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2016 Presidential Campaign


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i guess we might as well start a thread.


1. Rob Portman is selected as V P. i'm basing this on Being in Ohio( he might be able to deliver OH for GOP), He is a kind of down the middle guy on lots of stuff. He would round out Rubio, Jeb.

2. Hillary does run and win.

3. Elizabeth Warren is pushed into running but doesn't have the chops to win.

4. Crazy Uncle Joe does not run.

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There's no way Hillary is the candidate for the Dems. A better candidate is out there. Biden is too old and won't poll well. I would look to Andrew Cuomo and Deval Patrick. Kirsten Gillibrand is a dark horse. Howard Dean is out there too.

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I predict you will not really have a choice, but it will appear... maybe even feel like a choice.

The reality is with the caucus / primary system that's now in place we have more of a choice than we used to up until the 70s. It's not much more, but it's more than there used to be.

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I'm a registered indi, I should be allowed to vote in primaries. IMO.

I find it funny, I've recently gotten notification PA wants me to reregister for voting. They cited they couldn't read my sig on registration.

It seemed to have been fine for the last 28 years. Pretty obvious they are trying to play games with the election voters.

Many will forget to fill out and send back and loose their rights.

I'm considering signing up as a REP just to fuck with those fuckers.

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I'm a registered indi, I should be allowed to vote in primaries. IMO.

I find it funny, I've recently gotten notification PA wants me to reregister for voting. They cited they couldn't read my sig on registration.

It seemed to have been fine for the last 28 years. Pretty obvious they are trying to play games with the election voters.

Many will forget to fill out and send back and loose their rights.

I'm considering signing up as a REP just to fuck with those fuckers.

Since the parties control the game in every State where it is a closed primary, as an independent you don't have any rights to play in their game unless they and the State decide you should. And you happen to live in one of 21-27 States who don't want your kind. ;)

And before you claim it's all a Republican thing? Take a look at how blue the list really is - they're both trying to protect their majorities where they believe they have them.


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PA is a very red state except 2 counties, Philly and Pgh. Butttt that is where the population is so.....

They have been trying to sway voting since the rep came into power in 2010. We have some hardcore wackos running things.

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1. Rob Portman is selected as V P. i'm basing this on Being in Ohio( he might be able to deliver OH for GOP), He is a kind of down the middle guy on lots of stuff. He would round out Rubio, Jeb.

i'm telling you, he is setting himself up for the VP spot no matter who is Pres candidate for GOP.


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What makes you think Portman isn't considering running for the big seat himself? The only problem is, unless the Tea Party loses significant steam in the next 3 years he doesn't stand a chance of passing their gauntlet given his stance on same sex marriage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I see no reason why at this point anyone other than Chris Christie wins the R nomination in 2016 unless as Edwin Edwards once quipped, he's "caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy."

The big question is whether his pragmatism and straight talk is overshadowed by his specific stances on certain social issues that will turn away many left leaning voters.


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there are things i like about him, but those are a few of the things i don't like.

I like his straight talk, - i think he's a bully, and ANTI TEACHER, which i can't stand for.

He's pro 2nd amend.- wouldn't sign any bill including a ban on .50 sniper rifles.

He's PRO life- doesn't seem to push his believe's which i like, we will see if that changes.

anti union, which i will never support.

proven to be anti gay, he recently didn't fight a marriage act. We'll see if that changes too.

i can go on,

i really do not believe he will run. IMO, he likes being a big fish in a small pond.

Being the top of the food chain is a no win job.

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