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Why Kids Are Shooting Each Other In Chicago


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So you think you have the answer for why so many kids are shooting each other in the roughest neighborhoods of Chicago?

Hear it from the mouth of an alleged gang leader in the Woodlawn neighborhood or "mecca" as he calls it in his IAMA on reddit:


things are different my friends, this is a new era of chicago gangsterism. in the 90's violence occured over pride, money, identity, essentially always had a (often very arguable) purpose......nowadays that doesn't matter. these young cats (15-21) get to listening to /r/drillandbop and get gun happy. i've seen cats shoot each other over miniscule amounts of money. seen cottage grove cats shoot irrelevant humboldt park cats for bearing different flags (foolishness).

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Is this really any different from the gangsta rap days? Or is this just 2nd-generation of it, with access to easy recording, distribution, and social media? I didn't see an age for the OP, but got the impression he's older. Is there a degree of blaming whatever is new? Damn rock music and video games are ruining everything.

I thought the most interesting point was how dismantling of the top tiers via RICO led to a disorganized fight for the top. Before reading that, I was thinking about how organized crime doesn't seem to lead to nearly as many innocent victims as these groups discussed.

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When you live in poverty, the cycle is hard to break when you have young kids acting and trying to be men before their age.

Only a few can break those cycle. Similar note, if you have positive influence and stay true to your dream, you can make it big ..

Like op posted, derrick rose in Chicago and Damian lillard from oakland. Coincidentally, both are major sponsor for addidas :)

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Is this really any different from the gangsta rap days? Or is this just 2nd-generation of it, with access to easy recording, distribution, and social media? I didn't see an age for the OP, but got the impression he's older. Is there a degree of blaming whatever is new? Damn rock music and video games are ruining everything.

Social and digital media is big part of the change. You have instant responses rather than having to wait for weeks to record and publish your song or post your anger. Things escalate in real time.

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  • 1 year later...

NY Times does a big spread on gun violence in Chicago.  This reads like disaster porn to me but it accurately conveys the reality of life in those parts of Chiraq.  http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/06/04/us/chicago-shootings.html

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4 hours ago, Kevin. said:

does the Chiraq name reference Iraq? :blink:

That's what the gangs call the Southside because the claim is the death toll was higher than the armed forces casualty count in Iraq (not true).

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It's a progression and it's come to the point where the youngest cats don't give a fuck anymore.  The same shit is going down in Detroit right now except here they're targeting rivals toddlers too.  

Some of it has to do with culture, some of it a total lack of pride in the community and the rest is having a sense of zero options or support.  The older guys would target only a specific person and make it a point not to take out anybody else for the sake of the neighborhood.  Those guys saw the good in the community/city at one time and respect that.  The young ones coming up don't have that and never will, they have no no respect for the community at all or anybody in it for that matter.  In a lot of these places the only community figures were preachers, the older guys will respect that, the younger ones will kill them too.  

Hollywood does do a good job of only promoting the lifestyle and negativity in general all for the sake of money on their end.  

Old school organized crime and the gangs of today are two different things.  The bikers follow the old rules for the most part as do what's left of the old school families.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes.  A group of mothers who lost children to shootings made a plea to at least let there be peace on Mother's Day this year.


And guess what, 8 dead and 41 wounded.  It happened to be a nice sunny weekend and as Winter shifts to Spring with people outdoors the shootings rise. 


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