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Where To Buy Jewel Lenses


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If we're talking X70s, i.e. the lenses from the 2004 C70 jewel headlights then you can acquire just the lenses from Hallsjo Styling in Sweden. $55 a lens plus import fees.


Your other option is to acquire a spare set of aftermarket Depo headlights off eBay where they run ~$135 a side and use the lenses. Depending on how the fees sort out one or the other will be the better option for you.


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Jeweled lens will only work for Jeweled reflectors. Adding them to standard reflectors (that have fluted lens) will not work and blind the crap out of everyone you drive toward throwing light everywhere and not focusing it. You need to get them as a whole assembly, you can't piece meal them together...

With the standard headlights you can swap DOT to E-code lens...

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The reality is that even with the full 2004 C70 headlight assembly retrofitting in an HID bulb is going to cast off light that creates glare. The only way to truly focus your HIDs properly is to install a proper projector and shroud to create proper cut-off for the light. Of course that entails cutting up your headlight housing and if you're going to do that you might as well start with the standard headlight assembly and install clear glass.

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Agreed with everyone above about blinding people, but if you're planning to do a projector retrofit and forgot to mention that you'll be fine and what was said prior to this comment will not apply. A lot of people do projector retrofits because they look nice, don't glare, and have great display of lighting.

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While not perfect, I have no problem running HID in the right assembly. Jeweled or E-code AND are aimed properly AND only 35w.

I do a lot of driving in the early AM, and my eyes ain't what they used to be in the dark. I prefer the light output from HID. Just as long as you have the cutoffs low enough that they won't shine directly in others eyes. And I've noticed a lot of stock HID's aren't perfect either. I've never used the stock DOT lens with HID because I think that would be too blinding, those lens SUCK!

My setup is DDM Tuning 35w ballast, with 4.3K bulbs in each housing. When the E-codes were aimed a bit too high I'd get flashed with hi beams all the time. BUT aimed right nobody flashed me. It had some scatter, but that wasn't blinding people, it mostly just lit up overhead signs brighter. I passed my wife driving my car at night and notice it was bright, but not dangerous or glaring. With Jewels, my current set up, the cutoffs are VERY crisp. I've never had anyone flash hi beams at me. It has a lot less scatter than E-codes.

My fav is Jeweled w/HID.

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The problem with jewels with HID is that they send light scatter to the right in vertical slanted lines and have sharp spots out front about 20 feet that wind up looking like this:

__^__ __^__//

I have 35w ballast with 6k bulbs in each housing with jewels. Others I've talked to have seen that same pattern. Are you saying you don't see that?

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I have something similar to that, maybe not as pronounced. I just don't aim that those peaks into oncoming traffic.

I also think bulb temperature might have something to do with it. Lower end of temp spectrum are easier on the eyes.

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Sorry, I should have specified. This is for a V70. I should have been more specific with the hid kit too. I am retrofitting projectors into the v70 housings and would like jewel lenses to take advantage of the projectors.

Thanks for the response on where to find them. I really didn't want to spend all of the money for complete new headlights when all I really needed is the lenses

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In all honesty, buy the Depo Jewels and retrofit projectors into there. If you're going for the jewel style, they won't look half as good if you just get clear lenses vs actually buying dedicated jewels. At $300/pair, that's not a bad way to do it.

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In all honesty, buy the Depo Jewels and retrofit projectors into there. If you're going for the jewel style, they won't look half as good if you just get clear lenses vs actually buying dedicated jewels. At $300/pair, that's not a bad way to do it.

Then again at that point you might as well go with these....http://www.eurosporttuning.com/volvo/lighting/headlights/projector-headlights-w-matching-turn-signals-chrome-style.html

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I love how Timo rolls in after everything has been said, restates what we all said and then claims, "Hey, look how I solved your problem!"


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