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Ok, so this might be dumb but idc.  But can someone explain the community reputation to me?  I obviously know what a reputation is, but like what're reasons to "plus" or "minus" someone?  I ask because I've had a negative reputation ever since I've had one and don't know why.  I've never given anyone a hard time, I've never been an "internet thug".  Most of my posts are accurate (and if they're not, it's only slightly wrong). Whenever someone has a thread going, I'll contribute whenever I can.  I feel like I'm getting a negative reputation because people don't like my ideas (see cowl hood thread). I just think it's I'm dumb to get a bad rep just because someone disagrees with an idea, or because I've asked a question (only after I've looked for the answer with no luck). 

Its not a big deal to me, it's just annoying seeing my rep go down and down for no apparent reason

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It's a valid question. Don't sweat it.  No one really pays attention to reputation.  Kevin will tell you that the secret to a high reputation is saying clever or funny things or presenting popular modifications in a thread.

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I've given you a bunch of -1's for not using the search feature, starting a million idiotic threads and generally attempting to modify your car without understanding what the fuck you're doing. 

I understand that you don't know everything there is to know about these cars; I absolutely don't and I'd even say that no one truly does. But as I've said to you in the past, put your wallet away and stop buying mods until you can actually understand what you're doing. 


In this thread, you said you're young, dumb, and have disposable income. So fix that, and stop being dumb. 

 In the realm of bolt-on mods, there is literally nothing that hasn't been covered ad nauseam on this board. Use a site-specific google search and spend some time here and there reading old threads. Then, if you're still not sure, start a thread and we can help you out. I know I don't have time to spoon-feed you, or anyone else, common knowledge that is readily available on this site; and I'm sure most people on here feel the same way. 

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Like I said, it's no big deal, it is jus the internet.  I'm just trying to find out why so many people are disliking what I'm doing...makes me think I'm doing something wrong. 


And @andyb5, I appreciate the honesty, but what you said is kind of dumb in itself.  You say you don't have time to "spoon feed" me, yet you have time to find a thread from months ago, quoting me on something I've completely forgot about.  And speaking of time, not everyone has the time to do research for hours on end, for a hobby/everyday driver.  The use of a forum is to gain knowledge of some sort, and if a quick search yields no answers, than I'll turn here and ask away.  

Not tryin to sound like (too much) of a dick, but I feel like you were a little harsh for a simple question (which was barely answered)

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So the rep worked then, because it got you wondering? :P

Your current minus two doesn't mean a whole lot, especially as a ratio against your 197 posts. People rep up or down for a number of reasons. Positive rep is usually for innovative contributes, quality intel or a impressively helpful post. And a fair amount of "you said it best". Negative rep is often for poor post composition (incomprehensible or lazy), wrong info, or bad internet manners. Occasionally someone just disagrees with what you said, but that's not often. I think it has become part of bad internet manners to rep down as part of a personal disagreement, and may draw more scrutiny from others to rep that person down.

There's also this unusual "first rule of fight club is we don't talk about fight club" situation where complaining about rep wins you more negative rep. Your original post currently has two downvotes, and two upvotes (zero sum). The two downvotes are likely part of that, or basically "you couldn't figure it out?". And the two up votes are likely to cancel out those, probably to signify "hey, its a decently written question, not whining".

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Thank you fudgebrownie!  That's exactly the answer I was looking for!  I'm just trying to get a better understanding is all.  


How much do people really refer to the rep?  I don't want my posts to go unanswered, or my comments ignored due to a bad rep. That's all my worry is haha

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It varies person to person. Some don't care, see it as a popularity counter. I personally look at it in combination with several other factors in developing an opinion of a member. You can't expect the single number to tell you too much. But it's good to pay some attention to it. So keep doing what you do, but make adjustments based on the way your posts are repped, and also how the community reps others. It's a bit of bad form to rep someone down when it might not be obvious (e.g. newbie who doesn't get it, or unusual reason). But I think it's usually clear otherwise.

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I like to give people shit for, among other things, starting stupid ass threads about pointless shit.

That seems to work for me.


Are you seriously crying about -4? 

Shit Howard would be glad if he made it a day with out getting -4 on every post.


Grow a sack.

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