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I hate my life: Shop Damage

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So I brought the car to my indy because my axle was seized in the hub, I had enough with it so I decided to let him do it.  Everything is always fine, he's a good guy, know him through a good friend and he works on mostly volvos and saabs.

I didn't notice anything when I picked the car up, it was parked pretty close to another car and the damage on the drivers side fender isn't that noticeable from some angles.  I went to get food and notice this dent in my car when I was walking back to it:





My guess would be the wheels were not straight when the lift was lowered and the wheel hit the fender?  I already left the shop, he's gone for the day, I guess Ill call him tomorrow.  Im hoping he didn't notice it, although the finger print makes me question that, and the nick near the windshield above the fender but IDK.  Im screwed aren't I?

How hard is it to replace the fender?  FML I was so happy, the car feels so smooth with the new bearing and there is no creaking when turning the wheel from the beautiful new axles :(

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I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I don't think the vehicle being lowered with wheels turned would cause this. 

My being on the internet makes me an expert ^_^... so I would say check under the car, the rotor, the subframe and what not.  Do you know if they have a lift?  Because to me personally, it looks like the car fell off a jack stand without a wheel on it.

Just a guess.  Good luck getting it fixed.

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Dude I hate to kick you when you are down but how the fuck do you not notice that?  Good news is there are 7 billion 426 silver X70's in the bone yard.  You will easily find a fender.  I would inspect the underside as the previous poster suggested.

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Dude I hate to kick you when you are down but how the monkey do you not notice that?  Good news is there are 7 billion 426 silver X70's in the bone yard.  You will easily find a fender.  I would inspect the underside as the previous poster suggested.

Its fine haha.  I don't know how I missed it.  Makes me think maybe someone did hit it when I was at the super market.  I found a fender about an hour away in excellent condition for $85.  Ill pick it up on monday.  


Fender is easy to replace with basic hand tools but I'd be more worried about what caused that damage. 

Idk, there is a big scuff on the mud flap I don't remember being there.  But the moulding under the doors is completely fine, bumper is completely fine, rotor looks fine.  Ill lift it and take a look at everything more closely saturday.  

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Can't tell from those pics where the impact was; kinda looks like soft impact on lower inside edge of fender to wrinkle it like that.  Even so, you should see an impact mark somewhere; did you look under the car?  Did you ask him about it yet?

Could always be worse; many moons ago I worked at an indy bmw shop where the owner dropped a car off the lift from 6 ft up.  Can't remember but think it got totaled.  Luckily no one was hurt.  stuff happens.

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Can't tell from those pics where the impact was; kinda looks like soft impact on lower inside edge of fender to wrinkle it like that.  Even so, you should see an impact mark somewhere; did you look under the car?  Did you ask him about it yet?

Could always be worse; many moons ago I worked at an indy bmw shop where the owner dropped a car off the lift from 6 ft up.  Can't remember but think it got totaled.  Luckily no one was hurt.  stuff happens.

No.  Decided to just take care of it.  Gonna replace it with an undamaged one.  Ill look under the car saturday to see if anything stands out, with it on the ground I can't see anything obvious.  

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i dont understand how a damaged fender makes you hate your life?

yeah it sucks but it can always be worse, you could be Rob....... geesh


Well its the compound effect of all the bs going on :P  Just crap I didn't need to deal with.  I may have been a little dramatic, I was in shock.  (sorry more drama)  I didn't think it would be so easy to find a replacement and I didn't know what to do at first.  

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Quick question (stupid question) about fenders that will work.  I found a 99 XC70 fender.  Any issues?  My trim is ok so I assume I can take the trim off my current fender and swap it with the black XC trim.  And sidemarkers, are they interchangeable with the volvo logo?  will my volvo logo fit where the 99 had the side marker?


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Ok, got around to making the trip up to the junkyard.  Of course it was an hour away so I called them ahead of time to make sure they still had the fender and that it was indeed silver...

LOL, the one panel on the car I needed was black.  After that dissapointment, I decided to not make the trip a total waste so I took the egg crate grill and one of the rear mud flaps (I lost on on my car).  So many other goodies, leather steering wheel, wood trim, working cup holder.  Ill have to remember to bring tools next time. fail.



Drove another 30 min up the road to another place that had a fender listed and score.  They even pulled it off the car for me, and the guy that pulled the part complimented me on how clean my volvo was, so I will excuse the cigar smoke filled room I waited in for 5 min :P


Its in pretty good shape, couple minor scratches I think will buff out.  Now I just have to install it!  Thanks everyone for the help with stuff.  



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