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Replacing seat skins...passenger to driver?


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I have swapped front seat bottoms, pass to drivers no problem.  seat backs will not work due to air bags.

elwood industries makes nice replacement skins if interested in new backs.

Thanks for the info on Elwood Industries. This will come in handy!

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  • 2 months later...

Ooooo I want some new tan R seat bottoms.  Anybody know how often those show up?  My driver looks bad

Not often. In good condition at least. Maybe I've missed it, but Adam's were the first I've seen for sale in 5+ years, and I bought them within hours of him putting them up lol. It seems like tan is rare compared to charcoal. There are some wagon tan R rears on ebay right now though.

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Thanks!  Figured they didn't show up too much.   I've broken enough things trying to fix others at the moment so short on funds. Damned old plastic, it's like every mummy movie when they open up a sarcophagus, air hits it and it's dust.....

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do what I did, check your local junk yards for good seats. Then go to home depot and buy a hog clip kit for under 10 bucks and get a good set of side cutters and swap the leather. This is assuming there are no huge holes. if there is not, then if you have any friends who work at a dealership, go down there during the day and ask him or the used car manager when the upholstery reconditioning guy comes by(ours is here once or twice a week, some places actually do it in house though). I was this[--]close to swapping out the front seats in my S60R, but then  I paid our guy 80 bucks and he reconditioned mine to new. a year later, it still looked good. One thing ive learned in the car business (F&I manager) is that a lot of the products they use vs. what we can buy at the store are 2 totally different qualities(flexing agents in the dye to make it last longer, the 3m double sided tape the body shop gets vs what we can buy are look the same but theirs is TOTALLY better and so on). , plus they tend to have many more different color combos then we do to match your interior. My guy can repair holes that are around an inch of 2 as well.

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