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Sunroof Assembly Differences By Year (P80)


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I am going to be going to a large pick-a-part yard this weekend a couple hours away from me that is supposed to have several Volvos. Looking for tons of parts for my 1998 V70R. One of the things that I am searching for is a complete power sunroof assembly since mine doesn't really work right and covered in corrosion on the bottom of the frame and caulk on the top of the glass...

My question is, what cars should I be looking for the sunroof from to fit a 1998 V70? I figured that any 1998-2000 V70 wagon would work, but what about an 850? Are they also the same? And are the sedan sunroofs the same as the wagons? Are there any years that I should stay away from due to changes or old revisions?

Thanks for the help.

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You better double check that because the glass on the coupe is different from the glass on the other P80s.  Other parts might be similar but the glass is different.

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