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New to Volvo

Leigh T5R

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Hi I am Leigh new to the forum

Got me a Vreg V70 T5 first Volvo great car for putting the kids in and when you drop them off from school you can have some fun on the way home again and it's not too sloppy nore at the same time is it to hard but a suspension refresh at some point will help that and I may look into a Diff? 

Have always been an Audi man but a change is good last car was an A4 1.9Tdi and before my kids came along had a few S4's which were heavily modified and mapped by MRC Tuning and I lived in the petrol stations!

Look forward to chatting which mods work and which don't with you all



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Tip for new guys: search on Google for "site:volvospeed.com <enter search term here>".

Example: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#newwindow=1&q=site:volvospeed.com+suspension+upgrade .


Also, if you want to modify, make sure you read the modify FWD turbo thread here: http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?/topic/78328-what-to-know-about-a-manual-swap/&do=findComment&comment=1012820


Edit: Fixed link

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