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I am Turbodier, and some weeks ago I bougth a Volvo 850 T5 R. This is a car that I allways wanted to have, and finally I´ve got it! :D :D

The car is owsome, but I would like to improove some parts and gain some more Horsepower. I have experience with standalone ECU´s like Motec or Bosch MS4, but now I have to learn about the real "street" tuning.  So, every help/advice will be helpfull!

Thank´s in advance and best regards from Spain!


Pd: next time I will put some pictures

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First thing you need to do is stage 0, ie, get the maintenance up to do, plugs, oil, coolant, filter, hoses, etc

Then, buy a wideband o2 sensor and gauge so you can monitor the a/f ratio.


When you're ready to start tuning, get a 98 turbo ECU for its M4.4 and then start reading, a lot of reading.


Short version.



Long version.


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Hi TryingBe,

thanks for replying!

I made all this maintenance the first weekend after I bougth the car. New plugs, distributor, oil, distribution,´...new break discs/pads,..


I also have an innovate LC2 Wideband sensor controller, and some more stuff from old projects....:biggrin: My goal is firstly to learn how to read/flash this ECU and learn some tricks from experienced peopple like you. ;)

And then, when I am used to the ECU, some hardware upgrades will come! But lets start reading those links that you have post before.. Thanks!!




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