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Does anyone really believe Jesus rose from the dead?

Just so I don't do what Peter did and deny him,( Not said to make it sound like I'm better than him, I've got my own denial to deal with) yes I believe it, can I prove it, well you know the answer to that.

Edited by Bay13 Admin
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Just so I don't do what Peter did and deny him, yes I believe it, can I prove it, well you know the answer to that.

You sound like Kendall. She always tells me shes believes because if she is wrong no biggie. So with all the people playing it safe I guess its just me and Peter.

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It was predicted that Peter would.  Your in good company either way :P  I don't look at my belief as a CYA, more a way of life that has worked better than any plan I came up with on my own.(I've tried/lived my share)


I think all religions have parts of it right, but none have nailed it. So I try to live in a way to helps everyone I can and does not hurt anyone. I guess for me it is faith not religion. Live and let live. Maybe I am Peter, but I am not Judas ;)

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You've got it there. Faith is somewhat more important than religion. Faith is what you have inside you, what you believe. Religion is an institution, a building.

But don't knock it too much. Some people need that kind of discipline and structure in thier lives. Other's don't. It all comes down to what suits you.

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You've got it there. Faith is somewhat more important than religion. Faith is what you have inside you, what you believe. Religion is an institution, a building.

But don't knock it too much. Some people need that kind of discipline and structure in thier lives. Other's don't. It all comes down to what suits you.

Agreed and I judge neither group. I just get a little upset when one group casts stones at the other. It is amazeing though that this convo has stayed this civilized.

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God isnt just going to reach down and smite you to prove he is there, he has nothing to prove..... (not to be a "Bible Thumper") he merely knocks on the door and if u wanna let him in then you, if not, dont answer the door^^. Theres nothing wrong with sharing your faith with others, imposing or forcing is another matter no one wants to be forced to do anything.

The way i share my faith is not always "thumping a bible" its by sharing the way my life changed when i became a beliver in christ....and no im no better than anyone else in the entire world....so please dont lump us all into a catagory of "biblethumping Guilt tripping moneygrubbers" there are many exceptions :)

This was very well said Raeleus!

Just to comment of something Charles said ... if you really do believe in God then you would understand that he does not make us religious, otherwise we would be mindless drones. God gave us freewill, we either choose him or we choose something else or ourselves.

But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods you forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

-Joshua 24:15

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concerning organized religion, i cannot think of any organization that Christ himself detested more than the outward show of religion. the Bible, old and new testaments are full of statements that follow this. being "religious" does not make you a Christian...being a good person in and of itself doesn't make you a Christian...going to church does not make you a Christian, and anybody who says so is deviating from what Jesus taught (if you want examples of this, pm me and i can show you from the Bible). Christianity is not a list of do's and don'ts and if someone were to boil it down to that, i do not know what version of the Bible they are looking at.

in the words of Christ, the essence of Christian life is this: "to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul...to love your neighbor as yourself, because all the law and all the prophets hinge on these." you do those, and everything else falls into place.

as far as doctrine is concerned, the Gospel is this: that all men are born into sin, and a person with the stain of that cannot be with God. the only way for forgiveness of sin is belief in Christ, who was a sacrifice for sin..."for as through one man's disobedience(adam) the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous."

faith, as you guys have put it is at the heart of it, and the end of it. Christ said so Himself.

i am better than no man, and if anyone, professing to be Christian should say they are better than you, they are stepping outside the bounds of the Bible. i have nothing in which to boast, except for what Christ has done for me.

if someone should preach morality, they are stepping outside of the Bible. if someone should preach health and wealth, they are stepping outside of the bounds of the Bible. what the Bible does say is that everybody is in the same boat, and the only way out is through grace by faith in Christ. practicing all the religion in the world will not get you to heaven, and neither will going to church.

i'm not thumping anyone over the head, just stating what i believe, and i will not judge anyone's soul or tell anybody they are going to hell. mainly, because i can't tell someone's heart, but also because Christ said to not judge. Charles, i really appreciate your honesty, and i prefer it a whole lot more than people who fly under the banner of religion with false pretense and hypocracy (not to say that i have never been guilty of this).

if anyone wants to talk, i am more than willing, and i can guarantee that i'm not going to judge. yall have an awesome day.

Edited by ontheheel
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Well Said.

When you said the thing about flying under the banner of religion with false pretenses... that is what gets me most. Around here we get alot of that... sadly. I believe it happens alot everywhere though, I just see it here, because I live here. Austin, you are a good guy.

I like conversations were everyone is adult, and you can actually learn something.

Again, well said.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I think all religions have parts of it right, but none have nailed it. So I try to live in a way to helps everyone I can and does not hurt anyone. I guess for me it is faith not religion. Live and let live. Maybe I am Peter, but I am not Judas ;)

Perhaps you should try Bahai, (Spelling), they believe that everyone had something to bring to the table: Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Christ and Muhammad...

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