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How Much Does Your Mechanic Charge Hourly For Lbr?


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I thought there was a thread like this but I searched and couldn't find it.

Anyway, my dealership mechanics charge $100/hour. <_< I'm wondering how that compares to everyone elses.

I know the local audi dealership charges $95/hour for labor.

PS I don't mean to offend any mechanics or anything!

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I thought there was a thread like this but I searched and couldn't find it.

Anyway, my dealership mechanics charge $100/hour. <_<  I'm wondering how that compares to everyone elses.

I know the local audi dealership charges $95/hour for labor.

PS I don't mean to offend any mechanics or anything!

Most mechanics in Ptown charge $75.00 an hour, the dealershps charge $110.00 :o

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My dealership in the Washingtion DC metro area, (alexandria VA) charges $98.

Minneapolis dealership $115/hour.

Minneapolis Indy Mechanic $60/hour (I go here for pretty much everything I don't do, excellent work and they know Volvos)

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my mechanic charges 94/h but its the best work in the DC metro area....PIT STOP PERFORMANCE......they bought out a well known shop called autothority about 4 months ago. they specialize in porches and there work is sick.....sponsor 2 cars over 700 WHP.

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