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04 V70R Electric problems advise needed.


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Hi Guys, so last year I bought an 04 V70R m66 with a "bad engine". Anyway I pulled a low mileage engine from a s60r and I replaced it. Here's where the fun starts.

Yesterday when we went to start it, we had no luck, and since we did basically everything to the car, problems could be anything. 

Dead: Cluster, front windows, sunroof, doesnt crank over.

works: driver seats, rear windows, radio, hvac, fuel pump, rear lights for sure, fronts unknown yet

I know I have a problem here before starting the engine, is it the CEM i should start with? I inspected all the interior fuses on the side panel, none were blown, but maybe the panel itself has gone bad? I believe that to be a common problem on these cars? 

OBD port has no connection at all to a snap on scanner.


Let me know what you think, thanks. 


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