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A few days ago, I bought a new tablet. And I love it! It has so many structures, a big storage and a front camera.  This big storage exactly what I need. Because, I needed to download a lot of files, apps and etc. And so, I need it to study, because its really comfortable when you study by tablet. 

I used to have another, old tablet. But, it hasnt got a front camera, and that was really sad. Although, it was powerful, it has a small storage. Despite it was small, it was really heavy. 

Unfortunately, my parents saying that I really need to stop using a tablet, and use an ordinary phone. But I dont phone, because tablet is more comfortable than phone, in my preference. To me, a phone has a small screen. Thats why I wanted a tablet, because it has a bigger screen that phone.

Like I said, a new tablet has a big screen. It really is helping me to read a book in my tablet for example. 

What do you think? Do you have a tablet? What's it like?

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