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C70 1998 T5 Atmospheric pressure sensor signal EFI-422, despite new sensor


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haven't had a serious issue in a while, but I need a little help/advice now.

The CEL turned on, I checked and the code was Atmospheric pressure sensor signal EFI-422. Bought a new sensor (not original though), replaced it but the code comes back immediately.

I found a lot of threads detailing the troubleshooting process for this error code if the sensor itself seems to be ok (namely check the AC pressure sensor, acceleration sensor and fuel tank pressure sensor). But to start with I would like to check the atmospheric pressure sensor itself. While the car is running it measures 5V on pin 3 (which is correct, I believe – reference voltage), ground on pin 2 (which is also correct I think) and it measures 0,4V on pin 1. Does anyone know what voltage this sensor should measure on pin 1 normally?

I’m at an altitude of approximately 250 m above sea level. I believe this pin 1 is used for “informing” the ECU of the air pressure by differences in voltage (resistance). It’s just my guess though.

I also don’t have a wiring diagram – the one I have (Haynes) does not show this sensor at all. An anyone help me with that?





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