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Strange noises from the timing belt area Volvo S70 98 Base


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Strange noise from timing belt area when engine cold. It starts around 1 min.

This was recorded when the ambient temp was around 65 F. When it's cold outside, the noise is really loud. I tried to pinpoint the noise with the statoscope, but I did not hear it close to any pulleys (including the crankshaft pulley). It almost sounds like coming from deep inside the engine. I will record it with temp around 45F in the future. Noise disappears after a few minutes, although it's replaced by another type of noise, the chirping type: check out this link:

. I guess it's coming from the harmonic balancer/crankshaft pulley area. It's not as loud, just a rhythmic chirping sound. Again I tried to pinpoint it with a stethoscope, and I could not pinpoint it to any particular pulley. Based on the phone recording, I would guess it's a crankshaft pulley. What do you think? The timing belt was changed in 8/2019 around 140 000 miles. Now it's around 162 000. I have a code P0442 which is Evaporative Emission System Leak Detected (small leak) - it's been there for the last year or so... The noises are a recent thing...
Anyway, if anyone ever heard such a noise, please let me know...  

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Ok, surprise, surprise, tried again at 45F ambient temperature and no noise... or at least nothing exceptional...
I tried to remove the bottom timing belt bracket - 2x bolts 10mm. Managed to remove only one. It had red thread lock on it. Why would these bolts have a red thread lock? The second bolt would not budge. If anything, blue thread lock should be sufficient on it. Hopefully I won't need to remove this shield in the future... I used my endoscope camera to inspect the space, as far as I can tell, nothing in there. The bracket looks solid. The only thing I did was to spray a bit of WD40 on the bracket to help with bolts. I don't see how that could make a difference... Timing belt is clean, I made some picks of timing belt marks. I guess they look ok.
Not sure if this looks off, or good enough, or maybe I needed to move the crankshaft a bit more?
This is the top line up corresponding with the crankshaft on the other picture.
Is that acceptable? 

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First off, can't tell where the crank timing mark is from your pic.  They're very hard to see;  I usually find it with a bright flashlite and then high-lite it w/whiteout or paint and a very fine brush.  But looks like one of your cams may be a tooth out?

Did you do the last timing belt or someone else?  They must have done the locktite?  Not needed for bottom timing belt bracket bolts, but they will need to come out the next time the timing belt is changed.

The noise sounds like a metallic bearing noise to me.  Were the belt idler pulleys and water pump changed out with the timing belt job?  If not, it may be time.  If you can feel any wobble in any of those bearings, that would tell you for sure.  Or if the water pump is weeping coolant at all too.  Those pulleys are turning, right?  Almost looks like front is static in vid.

Personally, not a fan of wd40.  PB blaster is good.  Trying spraying each of those idlers w/good penetrating oil, one at a time to see if the noise changes.  Good luck and let us know what you find.

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I agree on these markings for TB, they sucks! The timing belt was changed in 8/2019 around 140 000 miles. Now it's around 162 000. Along with the belt all the pulleys and tensioners, water pump were changed. Belt and water pump are by Gates. The pulleys and tensioners are OE. On the movies you can notice that serpentine belt is off.  these 2 notched teeth on the crankshaft are kind of on the edge. I would say that this marking system could be definitely improved, unless it has some tolerance built in to it... 

BTW I have heard that these water pumps have weep holes on them for the reason and it's ok if they release a bit of coolant occasionally. What is your opinion on that?

If I will end up taking off the TB, I will get rid off current one by Gates. It's acting weird from the beginning. It is hanging on the edge of sprockets and travels sideways slightly. Unfortunately instead of doing TB job myself I outsourced it to the local shop in Atlanta and of course their policy is: You use our parts or else...
Drove the car today about 20 miles, seems to drive fine. Noises are the usual for the old car. Tomorrow will drive it for another 50 miles. We'll see how it goes...

Thanks for you input!

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  • 2 weeks later...
So far car drives fine - I drove about 300 miles. It makes noises sometimes. No noise once the car is warm. We will see what the future will bring... I am about to do the entire suspension on it. If engine will fail, I will just replace it... Or maybe it will keep chugging along lol
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They insisted on getting parts, and they went with a Gates belt on a Volvo... lmao.

It's hard to hear, but it sounds like one of the pulleys is making the noise. I know it doesn't sound like much fun, but I would suggest removing the belt and spinning the pulleys by hand. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the pulleys is already shot if it came from a Gates kit. Unfortunately their QC these days sucks. They used to be a reputable brand among almost all cars, but they have rapidly gone downhill over the past few years.

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