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Questions on replacing AC condenser for 2011 XC90 I32


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We had an accident (hit a deer on highway) out of town. A local mechanic removed the AC condenser and replaced the radiator so that we could drive back home. The AC condenser was not put back because the impact bar was bent and no enough place for the condenser. I've replaced the impact bar and got a new AC condenser. After checking online, I think there are three steps to replace the condenser.?

Step 1. evacuate the system.
Step 2. put back the condenser.
Step 3. recharge the system. (I don't think I can do it myself. Will bring it to a mechanic shop.)

My questions are:
1. Since the condenser has been removed for about three weeks. Probabaly no need for step 1?
2. Since the condensor has been removed for a relatively long time (~ 3 weeks), do I need any special treatment for the system before/after putting back the condensor??
3. Should I worry about other parts of the AC? AC worked well before the accident and anything after the radiator looks untouched.?

Thanks a lot!

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