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Border Patrol Cop Shot

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holy shizz!  that is seriously some of the most crazy hilarious crap I have ever read.  oh my god you have no idea how passively hysterical that was.

:your so silly:  :your so silly:  :your so silly:  :pizza:

Well, take out the word "fantastic" and it works. But as far as Yalies needing legal access to drugs: :your so silly: :your so silly: :your so silly:

On that note, Dubya's grade average (77) at Yale was one point better than Captain Ketchup. Yay for our side!

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Well, take out the word "fantastic" and it works. But as far as Yalies needing legal access to drugs:  :your so silly: :your so silly:  :your so silly:

On that note, Dubya's grade average (77) at Yale was one point better than Captain Ketchup. Yay for our side!

too bad everbody is taking sides instead of finding solutions. I think the dems and the gop both blow, and i hope americans find a way to get better representation. Irony abounds in these times: Kerry says he was spending all his time learning to fly while in his freshman year. at least it was his families money he was spending learning to fly. w learned to fly on our dime (800K if i rercall) and then bailed on his duty to help one of his dad's cronies run for office. Brilliant Kerry ran an stupid campain designed to get him onto office because his pollseters thought w going awol would interest voters enough to get kerry into the white house. Stupid w runs a brilliant campagn and hands kerry his swift boat lunch neatly diced. Gavin Newson (with an assist from a judge in kerry's home state) gets all teary and starts marring happy couples on the S.F. city hall steps and hands the gop the wedge issue they need to rile the christian right grass roots folks and drive happy marrige into the future 100 years and get re-elected while they are at it. great stuff!

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Hey, Shaun (seriously), your recap/summary is pretty dayam right on. Bottom line all politicos have some bad habits and many are not strangers to what might be illegal practices in some circumstances. Personally I looked at everything I could find (as opposed to what both sides were putting out) about W and Kerry, and decided Dubya was the better qualified of two basically unqualified candidates. Tuh-RAH-zah didn't help improve my view of Kerry. Also I considered Laura Bush a much more positive influence on the next prez than Heinz would have been (duh...).

I think all politicians are opportunists to one degree or another, but Marry 'em Rich Kerry reached a new level.

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