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you, my friend, most definitely need to pick up a copy of Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States: Volume One".

Our history books are complete rubbish.

I will try that, thanks Ken. Ive also ordered a book on this topic by Iris Chang.

I don't know why, but Im motivated to find out more about this...

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American history is x2 of that. Plus, our history under a single government is pretty much the oldest.

Not quite. Hell Castro alone has been in power almost a quarter of our country. BTW speaking of a bad shake. Che Guevara got the shaft. People think he was a communist. He actually was not. He also lead forces in several theaters. But america makes him out to be a bad guy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Che Guevara got the shaft.  People think he was a communist.  He actually was not.  He also lead forces in several theaters.  But america makes him out to be a bad guy.

You're right: he was a Marxist-


Edited by EMDII
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In school I learned of the atrocities and the murders of Hitler and the Nazi regime and of the holocaust. And I respect and feel for those who suffered and died and for the survivors.

    I also have respect for the men and women who have given there lives to make this a free country so we can post on Volvospeed.

    That being said, tonight on the Discovery channel I saw the story of Hiroshima and of the first atom bomb. After that I saw a show on Emperor Hirahito. I saw how japan invaded china and killed what was quoted as millions of people, not in gas chambers, but with stones because the japanese said they weren't worth killing with guns or swords. Also how the japanese thought of the chinese as pigs...

    I understand that that was 60+ years ago and the japanese are a different people now, peaceful from what I understand. What I find hard to understand is the fact that this is the first I have learned of this. Was this just not in the curriculum of my social studies or world history class? Was I out sick that day? How did I miss this? This, to me shows a lack of respect for history and the memory of these events. 

    As I said I understand that things happen all over the world but "millions" of people... To my history teachers... thank you for teaching me what the capitol of Russia is and how to read Longitude and and Latitude and how hot it gets in Equador and why shakespear had me portray the women in plays... And for omitting parts of world history... Why is that the only thing important enuff to teach about are such things  as "we dropped an Atom bomb and killed a lot of people and won the war". Or "We came to the new world and discovered america" is really, "We came to a new country and uprooted its natives and pillaged there homes and lands"


    Sorry for the long post, I just needed to vent i guess. And yea I know my spelling is bad. :P

the japanese were way worse then the germans by far. they enslaved captured people, tortured them and raped them. Germans were ordered not to rape women (albeit they killed them) and thought of it as unhuman to do so. The japense imprisoned over 100,000 young girls and forced them into organized prostitution for their troops. women were gang-raped, tortured, and had their genitals mutilated. These women were housed in camps around japenese bases as were basically sex slaves to the soldiers. bet you dont ever hear about that in school.

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In school I learned of the atrocities and the murders of Hitler and the Nazi regime and of the holocaust. And I respect and feel for those who suffered and died and for the survivors.

    I also have respect for the men and women who have given there lives to make this a free country so we can post on Volvospeed.

    That being said, tonight on the Discovery channel I saw the story of Hiroshima and of the first atom bomb. After that I saw a show on Emperor Hirahito. I saw how japan invaded china and killed what was quoted as millions of people, not in gas chambers, but with stones because the japanese said they weren't worth killing with guns or swords. Also how the japanese thought of the chinese as pigs...

    I understand that that was 60+ years ago and the japanese are a different people now, peaceful from what I understand. What I find hard to understand is the fact that this is the first I have learned of this. Was this just not in the curriculum of my social studies or world history class? Was I out sick that day? How did I miss this? This, to me shows a lack of respect for history and the memory of these events. 

    As I said I understand that things happen all over the world but "millions" of people... To my history teachers... thank you for teaching me what the capitol of Russia is and how to read Longitude and and Latitude and how hot it gets in Equador and why shakespear had me portray the women in plays... And for omitting parts of world history... Why is that the only thing important enuff to teach about are such things  as "we dropped an Atom bomb and killed a lot of people and won the war". Or "We came to the new world and discovered america" is really, "We came to a new country and uprooted its natives and pillaged there homes and lands"


    Sorry for the long post, I just needed to vent i guess. And yea I know my spelling is bad. :P

i also realize you are from GA, i live in GA as well and realize that the education is not worth the dirt on my shoes and this is why you (as well as I) were never informed of the truth. also, its this politically correctness crap, wouldnt want to offend any japenese students now would we?

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world history is not really world history...it's just the history of how the U.S. came about from the "world"....it's the U.S. perspective of the world....we point out what benefits us or did benefit us, and disregard everything else....

yep, history is SO biased. You only get one point of view. Im sure the Germans dont spend too much time discussing the atrocities their grandparents committed and we dont spend too much time on how we ripped off the Natives and enslaved africans.

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you, my friend, most definitely need to pick up a copy of Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States: Volume One".

Our history books are complete rubbish.

he lives a town or two over from me, and my friend's folks are friends with him. Never did get around though to having him come talk to our AP US history class though...

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  • 5 weeks later...

A. History is written by the winners. Any thought of a real Japanese Nuremburg type of war crime trials was ditched by the desire to keep post-war Japan from going communist. Only a few enemies of the surviving ruling faction were killed, mostly for political and personal gain.

B. Germany embraced responsibility for their actions, Japan consistenly denies theirs. The former mayor of Nagasaki was killed by a member of a veterans group for apoligizing for the rape of Nanking (there's a book to read). Much of Japan denies to this day the atrocities, war crimes and aggression they commited. Are you aware that Japanese history books teach that the U.S. started the war in the Pacific with Japan?

C. American history classes and texts have been rigged since day one to enhance the image of America. You will read almost nothing about our acts of genocide against native Americans or our own imperialism.

Keep searching for knowledge, don't be a typical American!

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  • 2 weeks later...

the japanese were way worse then the germans by far. they enslaved captured people, tortured them and raped them. Germans were ordered not to rape women (albeit they killed them) and thought of it as unhuman to do so. The japense imprisoned over 100,000 young girls and forced them into organized prostitution for their troops. women were gang-raped, tortured, and had their genitals mutilated. These women were housed in camps around japenese bases as were basically sex slaves to the soldiers. bet you dont ever hear about that in school.

lol, this is the biggest bunch of bullshti i have ever read. No offense to the writer, but you have no idea what you are talking about. There is no way in hel that you are going to say that the japanese were worse then the germans or vise versa. Too much too type but i can prove u wrong really easily.

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