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Political Proposal


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Okay, I'm guessing there's going to be some strong words said on the subject of politics as this election approaches, since we seem to be split between Bush and Kerry supporters. However, after thinking about how much I hate both candiates, and how many other people seem to, I have come up with the following idea:

Let's all write in Jenna Jameson for President.

Think about it.

Everyone already knows who she is -- we won't need to explain who she is.

She's a woman. I think we can all agree this would be a good thing for our country at the current point.

She's cute. I know I'd be more interested in politics, as would probably most other young males, and hopefully having a prominent female political figure will draw more women into politics.

That's just my idea... but I think I've found my candidate!

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Jenna Jameson would be good...

That or the guys from the Man Show. Not the classless pukes that are on it now... The classless pukes that USED to be on it!

Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Corolla for President and Vice President... and not necessarily in that order.

Restore the debauchery and decadence that America used to be known (and hated by other Countries) for.


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