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So.. High Oil Eh!?


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No matter what the easy crude to extract is still very plentiful, so supply vs. demand doesn't justify these oil prices.

American control of Iraqi oil fields SHOULD increase Iraqi export capacity (guess where destination #1 will likely be) - another boost to supply.

Of course if the US isn't extracting oil from Iraq (i'm pretty sure they are) then they are in for some fat pay checks as long as oil prices stay artificially high.

On another note, higher oil prices of course is the norm not the exceptions (based on historical comparisons), so on that note, we should build some (more) oil refineries in Alberta to refine the oil sands oil since at these prices it is profitable to pump. That makes sense for a number of reasons: 1) Saves money on piplines (creation and use) 2) no threat of natural disasters 3) canada is better ;)


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