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Stay In School Or Not?

Stay in school or not  

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i didn't take the SAT.

George did pretty much the same thing as i did. i went through high school with Bs and Cs, mostly just going through the motions. i was bored a lot. my senior year i had a slacker schedule, and i didn't even show up sometimes.

after high school, i went to community college for 2 terms and then stopped. i realised that i wasnt' able to focus on more school at that time in my life, so i got a full time job and worked for a couple of years.

after working in sales for 2 years i decided it was time to go back to school and get a degree in something. so i did. unfortunatly i didn't finish up, but i'm going back now and i'll hopefully finish some day.

anyway, thats my 2 cents. B)

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kevin that was quite the Rudy motivational speech.

ive been talking to my cousins and such on teh subject. (they go to northwestern in chicago. thats where people in this family go) and they have gave me some really good advice.

Kevin thanks alot man that helped out alot and everyone else that posted. I should stay in college and at least stick it out for the next year and then see what kind of oppertunities come about from that. who knows i may be able to transfer after only a year. highly doubt it but we will see.

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brian, maybe my experience will help you, i did fine in high school, and when college came around i totally messed it up, didnt go to class, didnt wnat to, all i wanted to do was run around half naked in the dorms and flirt w/ ladies. after 2 years of taking 9hrs a semester or less, and barely making grades, i decided to take some time off, starting working full time, at first it was cool, but i felt so left out, all my friends were older than me and doing better than me, i wasnt ready to be out for sure... started to painfully miss school, so i went back, which wasnt easy, i wasnt able to get any financial aid my first semester, and my parents arent helping me, so right now im back, paying 900/month on my own to go to school, and loving every minute of it.

point being, if you do decide you take some time off, hopefully that will create some motivation for you. its not about how smart you are or what ur sat score is, its all about motivation.

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do the school now, do you want to be in your 60s and still working, or using your pension to see the world? i dropped out of high school when i was 16 and got my GED and job within 6 months. as soon as i turned 18 i enrolled at ITT and graduated at 20 with an Associates of applied science in computer electronic engineering. most of my frined havn't even gone to college yet, so in my case dropping out of high school put me 2 years ahead of the game :P just think about that guy at work who is always half-assing everything, and imagine your whole life like that. not cool.


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Well, duh...you're Asian. :)

LOL thats what I was gonna say.

I can shoot better than Stephen though :lol: us fat whiteboys gotta do something to keep our place

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Darn i got higher on the sats when i was a junior in hs then u. lol .. sorry .. but u should deffinately join millitary of some sort .. it will make u more motivated and itll put u threw school and u get PAYED to go. i mean how could u complain .. if i was willing to cut my hair off id do it.. but i could never cut my hair that short again. lol ..

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Unless you're an entrepreneur, it's going to be tough for you to pass the glass ceiling that is imposed on most of the individuals in this country who do not have a college degree; most positions in corporate america will require you to have at least a 2 year degree.

I suggest you either go to school, or find what you enjoy, and do it to the best of your ability... porn does qualify.

If you tell yourself you can't do something, and speak to people around you that impose negativity onto your only source of motivation, it will make success nearly impossible.

Also, don't forget the cute sluts that are all around college campuses, one of the main reasons I still go to class is the scenery :monkey:

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SATs are bull crap... all they do is tell private colleges how much to give you financial support, so don't worry abotu that. I say stick with JC for 2 years and then pick up the bachelors at a state school after 2 years there. Don't choose a science, espically health services, major though, your arse will be owned by all the work, trust me I know.

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If you don't care about your future (obviously) why should we?

Go play video games and sulk if you want. At some point you'll grow up and figure out your life. If you don't its your own Darn fault. Don't stay in school now, you're wasting your parents money, your classmates time, and your teachers' patience. Take a clue from the sucessful people around you.

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