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Stay In School Or Not?

Stay in school or not  

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My best advice would be to take a year off and do something volunteer or get a job... any job. Get some discipline and see if school is something you want.

Many people make it big w/o school. MOST realize life is harder than it should be w/o school and go back.

If you're in the northeast, my practice is running, and you're entering a Dental Hygiene program I may be able to pay you between $60,000 to $80,000 per year salary when you complete the program and pass the boards. How much school needed? that's for you to find out, but it's nowhere near as much as what business people with MBAs need.

Now, I'm not telling you to do Dental Hygiene. My point is that you can do a lot with very little school, but you need school to get the ball rolling in the first place. 4 years of undergraduate is not for everyone, but vocational/tech/etc. school might be good. There are a lot of options and different educations, but you need to figure out what you like and what you hate. From there, you avoid working towards what you hate and moving towards what you like.

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except i almost completley bombed out my first semester, and my grades have steadily improved the further into school i have gotten. i had an f and a 5 credit hour D, a b, and a one hour A(class where everyone got an A). last semester i had all b's and i took 19 hours.

not to totally discount what you are saying, but there is room for improvement and change with maturity

Certainly there is room, but if you hate school then don't wast the time / money. Find something you do like and do that.

Like, the only reason i'm finishing my degree is to get the piece of paper. If i could go back in time and save all that money - not only that but make money when i would have been in school i'd probably do that.

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Ok thank you all very much for your stories and advice. out of anyone on this board Kevin prolly knows the most about me and he knows my parents. He knows that there is NO other option then College with my family. If i dont go to college i will be kicked out of my house. That is the last position i would want ot put my parents in.

I have been thinking and research things that i am interested. I love design and marketing. like designing posters, or adds. i had an internship last summer where i got to help this 25 year old (hott) ASU graduate make adds using PhotoShop all day and just making tattoos for kids and stuff. it was alot of fun and doing that on the computer would be amazing. but at the same time i would want to tie that in with boats or cars. ultimately i would love to make graphics for ski boats and design ski boat interiors and ski towers etc. putting things together from scratch is alot of fun. That is what i would do with my schooling.

My dream on the other hand is different. It is to start my own outdoor ski and mountain bike shop. and give tours or guided tours. "Epic Adventures" thats the name. Have poeple pay to ahve me take them up on mountain bike trails in the PNW and have different levels of trails of difficulty. I will own my own business thats all i know.

college is going fine, im actually doing my HW now and its going better. i think part of it is that i dont know anyone at the school. im teh only one from my high shcool or my town i guess i could say that goes to this school so i have like breaks and such in between classes for like an hour so i kinda jsut sit by myself and do HW but tis just hard not having friends i guess u could say.

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Do you have to go to college to join the police force? That's a pretty respectable line of work. Does that peak your interest any?

That is something that I want to do, really. I am pretty sure you can take some classes through community college, or just training programs which police forces recommend before applying... Also, Army is a great way to get your foot in the door, being a MP Officer... Jeezus, I hated having the recruiting officers calling me 24/7 :angry:

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Man, high school sucked. I actually got kicked out of normal high school and had to go to an alternative high school with all the pregnant girls and druggies. Never even bothered applying to college after that. Went straight into the military less than a month after I graduated.

The military is a good option. Been in for just over two years and I make about 30-40 grand a year, plus a 30 thousand re-enlistment bonus for this year. Also, I have the mongomory GI bill (46 thousand that I can use towards school) and a number of tuition assistance programs. Also have access to free classes aboard ship. The work is hard though.

As I go through life I try and not look back and dwell on any of my mistakes, as all that does is take up time that you could be using on fixing whatevers wrong, but I will say this, if I could do it all over again, I would be in the Air Force....Or in the navy and not in REACTOR! REACTOR SUCKS!

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Hey,whatever you do just have a plan.Don't stay in school if you're just going to flunk out.

But...if you don't go to school,position yourself in a trade that you can master while you are working it,a trade that won't kill you physically,and a trade that,when you're mature enough,you can start your own gig without breaking the bank.Build a reputation for yourself from the very beginning,even when you're working for someone else.

I didn't go to college until I was 23.I missed the free ride from my parents and had to bust my butt working 2 jobs to afford to live and go to school.I also put myself 6 years behind my peers that were getting on with getting on,while I was busy for the first 6 years out of high school building my customized van,partying and getting laid(in the van).It all worked out okay for me ,but at this stage in my life one thing is abundantly clear.

HAVE A PLAN!!It doesn't have to be etched in stone,but at least it could be scribbled on a napkin.We are all a work in progress at any age,so changes in the plan are natural.Just keep scribbling and make sure you have spare napkins!

You're still young,so have fun and don't take life anymore seriously than you have to.That will happen all on it's own.But always keep in mind that life is alot more fun with money in your pockets.Your job is to figure out how to put it there.

That's my $.02

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Just because you don't know anyone doesn't mean you can't meet people. Open up a bit at some school functions or classes and you'll find people who click really well with you. College is MADE for you to meet people.

That's where 99.9% of people begin their pimping careers.

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That is something that I want to do, really. I am pretty sure you can take some classes through community college, or just training programs which police forces recommend before applying... Also, Army is a great way to get your foot in the door, being a MP Officer... Jeezus, I hated having the recruiting officers calling me 24/7 :angry:

Carson with a firearm? Could that be worse than me? Dougy care to chime in? :lol:

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