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American Decapitation In Iraq


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He was a contractor, and did not have to be there.  He was actually told to leave.  When he was captured he was out soliciting money.  I have 0 sympathy for him none.  I think it is horrible what happened to him, but this falls along the lines of what happens to the missionaries that go to Africa all the time.  A lot of them get eaten and die horrible deaths.  I am really sick of reading some of the stuff posted here.  Doug, I am sorry you had to see that.  Most people I know who saw the video saw it after they knew what it was.  Also I don't know if you know this, but this shlt happens in the US all the time.  You know how many people were brutally killed last year in fashions much worse?  It happens a lot.  This is just the media trying to make a buck.  This story should be reported but it should have been a 30 second story on headline news.

AMEN!!! It's a great chance for the TV stations to get...........RATINGS!!!

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why was bush so eager to send troops to the death over a stupid country that does not seem to want us there?

You have been watching too much TV. The fact is, most of the country does want us there, we have dona A LOT of good over there. The liberal media(pretty much every station/channel etc..) doesn't report the good. There are a few insurgents causing a whole lot of trouble. I hate to have to tell you this, but you can't believe everything you see on TV.

the worst thing is bush still has a 50% approval rating... :blink:

I know....I know! It should be much higher!

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Guest DougK

He was a contractor, and did not have to be there.  He was actually told to leave.  When he was captured he was out soliciting money.  I have 0 sympathy for him none.  I think it is horrible what happened to him, but this falls along the lines of what happens to the missionaries that go to Africa all the time.  A lot of them get eaten and die horrible deaths.  I am really sick of reading some of the stuff posted here.  Doug, I am sorry you had to see that.  Most people I know who saw the video saw it after they knew what it was.  Also I don't know if you know this, but this shlt happens in the US all the time.  You know how many people were brutally killed last year in fashions much worse?  It happens a lot.  This is just the media trying to make a buck.  This story should be reported but it should have been a 30 second story on headline news.

I agree. I feel bad for the dude, no doubt about it. What a horrid way to go.

But in the scheme of things your absolutely right. I didn't know what to expect cause I really don't watch the liberal extremist crap they call the news to often.

hell... since I got TIVO I think all I watch is Family guy and thats about it ;) LOL

Edited by dougs242S60
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This was a retaliation for the human indecency and humiliation of the "iraqi" prisoners in US detention camps. For example, the prisoners were subject to electrocution in the genitalia.

But yes, this is not a very large case compared to what else is out there at this moment.

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I downloaded it last night and my g/f was curious. I started playing it and watched them read their speech and the anticipation alone freaked her out. She went to bed and pleaded me not to watch it and she started crying. I don't blame her. I watched it this morning and it's distutbingly real...it's just too real and unlike Daniel Pearl, Nick was alive when he was being eviscerated and that just made it horrific.

Society hasn't conditioned us for this type of reality, which is why I have to agree with the idea that "hey, this happens even here...we just don't see it". Do we have to? Well there's that part in all of us, a sort of taboo sensor(if you catch my drift) that tells us we have an opportunity to view/taste/listen something without harming ourselves.

I dont however agree with imposing the video on others, especially 8th graders.

Edited by DanielSFbay
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I sat down last night and thought about what his family must be going thru. And to be honest, it's so unbelievable to me personally that it doesn't even seem real. It was like watching an honest to goodness horror movie, only it wasn't Hollywood, and the reality still hasn't sank in yet. I've seen some of the Faces of Death clips, and they scare the sh!t outta' me. But the Berg video doesn't get me like those, and I think it's b/c it just seems like a nightmare. I wonder what Bush does now...


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Guest Guest_jester1182

You have been watching too much TV.  The fact is, most of the country does want us there, we have dona A LOT of good over there.  The liberal media(pretty much every station/channel etc..)  doesn't report the good.  There are a few insurgents causing a whole lot of trouble. 

i dont pay attention to the news very often. its all biased towards one way or another anyway, however it would be alot more meaninagful(or actually have some meaning) if you gave some proof for your statements. maybe i dont have the inside connections you do but ive yet to see an iraqi not frustrated(at least) with the way we are operating over there. im sure your right though, the liberal(all) media is trying to brainwash us by not showing the good things ahppening in iraq. afterall the media is not a business founded on selling entertainment and would gladly miss any oppurtunity at revenue on a whim if it means they can influnece its audience.

I hate to have to tell you this, but you can't believe everything you see on TV.

my thoughts exactally.

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Guest Guest_jester1182

The loss of life is always tragic, though at times necessary.

I have 0 sympathy for him none.  I think it is horrible what happened to him

.A lot of them get eaten and die horrible deaths. this shlt happens in the US all the time.  You know how many people were brutally killed last year in fashions much worse?  It happens a lot.

even if it happens well past what i would assume, does that make it any better. not that im saying it would even be possible to stop stuff like this from happening, but does that mena he dosent deserve out sympathy. whether being over there was the right thing for him to do or not, no one deserves to die like that. his family, and all the fmilies of those who have died in iraq have my sympathy. its a Darn shame you guys who are old enough to vote dont feel the same way. thank God im the future :D .

This is just the media trying to make a buck.  This story should be reported but it should have been a 30 second story on headline news.

thats the Darn truth. i have no idea why his father went on tv(didnt even see it), but if i were him i would say this is a personal issue and has nothing to do with the nation so shove it.

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Guest Guest_Patrick

i was reading an article from cnn insinuating Berg was possibly working WITH al quaeda and this was more of a personal conflict between al qaeda used as well to revenge the prisoners. Thats some messed up stuff if its true, but if its not which i have a feeling its not, CNN is some ruthless motherf&*kers and not much better than the half-men wearing masks and murdering him.

I too have seen the video, i think i watched it because im very much a realist and like to know what im truly dealing with, for example i would like to know if i had cancer etc etc. After watching it im not regretful for watching it, if this is indeed a horribe reality, then i want to know about it, yes ignorance is bliss, but thats also the downfall of every other species of life below and before us...now im getting too theoretical, im done.

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