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Clinton Says That Climate Change Is The Worlds Biggest Worry?


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Is there no end to this stupidity from this poor soul? It is unbelievable to me as to how the easily the 9/11 victims were forgotten by this guy? How can anyone respect and/or support any candidate from this Democrat party and feel safe for their lives, families, property and job? Maybe he is trying to derail his wife's political aspirations? Maybe that is why the major media deep sixed this story from the Sunday news coverage? I wish the media would give these Democrats the coverage they deserve so that the people can properly see them for what they really are!

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Is there no end to this stupidity from this poor soul? It is unbelievable to me as to how the easily the 9/11 victims were forgotten by this guy? How can anyone respect and/or support any candidate from this Democrat party and feel safe for their lives, families, property and job? Maybe he is trying to derail his wife's political aspirations? Maybe that is why the major media deep sixed this story from the Sunday news coverage? I wish the media would give these Democrats the coverage they deserve so that the people can properly see them for what they really are!

You are an idiot. I am so tired of your dummass posts. They used to be funny, but now its getting ridiculous. You are truly blind.

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You are an idiot. I am so tired of your dummass posts. They used to be funny, but now its getting ridiculous. You are truly blind.

We can argue our different opinions but we can only have one set of facts. What Clinton stated was an attack on capitalism and the American way of life to appear smarter or be provocative. What deep thoughts from that brain stem? This failed man can not be honest, no wonder you look up to him!

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If America is wiped out tomorrow, the rest of world, which is 95%, will continue.

If Europe is wiped out tomorrow, the rest of the world, which is 92%, will continue.

If the the climate changes very drastically then temperate climate zones, where food is grown, will change location and probably, for several (20) years, cease to exist in sifficient quantity to feed everyone. This will mean that probably 90% of the world will be severely affected; food shortages, water shorttages. This means 90% of the world will eventually go to war because no one wants to die like that. Nothing is more dangerous than a large group of people that think they has nothing left to loose by fighting to the bitter end. See Vietnam. Now imagine its not a small bunch of rice-farmers fighting like this but a huge (x100.000 more) bunch of people with military training and nuclear weapons.

This is definitely a greater threat. Try and stop 5.5 billion armed and rampaging lunatics. You couldn't even, with all the airforce airborne, shoot down the planes fast enough without nuking your own soil to the point of inhabitability.

Try and turbocharge your car when you cant buy gas becsause the oil is needed for other, more important, things (like defending yourself against said 5.5 billion people with nothing left to loose).

9/11 a huge human tragedy? Gimme a break. More people die every month in the US in road accidents that could be avoided by the drivers not being drunk. Same goes for Europe (London, Madrid, plus the 40+ years of Terrorism we endure). Same political I'm dumb all over the place - but the main thing is to get everyone all stirred up about nasty people with towels on their heads or catholics with irish accents. As much as I do not like what certain countries and ethnic groups seems to preach, we are far from perfect. We cannot even fix our own societies problems (crime, poverty to name but a few) so we seek to divert attention to other, more spectacular problems.

Point: No western or industrialized country wants to do anything significant in this direction because it costs a trucload of money and gives you a significant disadvantage in world-trade because your products will become much more expensive. Europe is learning this and paying a very dear price in terms of nemployment and most likely will experience a very sharp turn to the political right in the near future because of this which endanger 25+ years co-operation.

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Is there no end to this stupidity from this poor soul? It is unbelievable to me as to how the easily the 9/11 victims were forgotten by this guy? How can anyone respect and/or support any candidate from this Democrat party and feel safe for their lives, families, property and job? Maybe he is trying to derail his wife's political aspirations? Maybe that is why the major media deep sixed this story from the Sunday news coverage? I wish the media would give these Democrats the coverage they deserve so that the people can properly see them for what they really are!

The only time your worth to me is "wow what a m o r o n" I cant believe people like you actually exist.

Edited by TorqueSteer
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Stupid law limiting presidents to two terms...... I wasn't old enough to vote either of the times that Clinton was running for office, but if he were to run again, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

I wonder what would happen if we disallowed all of the people with intelligence quotias of less than 120 from voting....

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Is there no end to this stupidity from this poor soul? It is unbelievable to me as to how the easily the 9/11 victims were forgotten by this guy? How can anyone respect and/or support any candidate from this Democrat party and feel safe for their lives, families, property and job? Maybe he is trying to derail his wife's political aspirations? Maybe that is why the major media deep sixed this story from the Sunday news coverage? I wish the media would give these Democrats the coverage they deserve so that the people can properly see them for what they really are!

lemme guess your a hardcore republican from the south and you probably come from old money? am i right? Why are u still complaing about supporting clinton? He's been out of office for 5 years and in the last 8 yrs that he was in office, he did what he was supposed to do, take care of this country (personal issues aside). The people voted and put him there, next time get more support for the candidate you want and vote and don't be bitter if your candidate loses. Global warming should be a major concern, it means we're screwing up this planet beyond belief and its about time that you stopped worrying about a man who has no more politcal power over the American people and start worrying about the 20+ hurricanes last year (attributed to rising temps in the oceans) because another katrina or rita will happen. Start worrying about that "tiny" whole in the ozone, and all the smog shadowed cities in the world. All the problems we're facing w/ mother nature and the enviroment is because of our own foolish acts. If you still don't think global warming is an issue for you to worry about, then wrap your head around these things; world hunger, poverty, disease or the idiot sitting behind a console w/ his finger next to the launch switch of a nuke. Clinton isn't a factor, neither is bush, the democrats or the republicans, its us the human race that you should worry about. What is the world gonna be like by the time your child is your age? Clinton won't be around then, but i bet you all the problems we're facing now still will be.

I'm not hating becuase you voiced your opinion, I'm hating because you spend your time digging out an article that has been "deep sixed by the major media" to come here n show to us that your pettiness and contempt for a man long gone for office is greater then your concern for the planet, your fellow man and the future for your children.

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Stupid law limiting presidents to two terms...... I wasn't old enough to vote either of the times that Clinton was running for office, but if he were to run again, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

I wonder what would happen if we disallowed all of the people with intelligence quotias of less than 120 from voting....

Or introduce procreation licensing...?

Or only people who have served in the military or worked for the country itself are made full citizens (a la Starship Troopers)?

Edited by Tiberius
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The globe is much more important than politics. We are the only creature on the planet that doesn't let nature do what it does. We're ruining the planet and thats a much bigger problem than ruining each other. 9/11 was 5 years ago and i'm sorry for the families but people die all the time and the rest of life goes on. There are more important things at hand. Global warming is a very real issue and so is the oil crisis. Quit being so selfish, starfish, and look at the bigger picture.

The surface temp of the ocean has been raised 1-2degrees due to global warming. Doesn't sound like much but on the whole ocean surface that is a big deal. Hurricane's thrive on warm ocean surface temps. Due the the warmer surface hurricanes will increase in frequency and power hence what has happend in New Orleans.

The world's supply of oil will reach maximum production levels this year if they haven't already. 20% of the planet uses 80% of the oil. The rest of the globe not using the oil is started to use it like we (we=America/Europe). After the "easy" oil is used production will slow down and become more expesive because they'll have to extract it from shale. If alternatives are not found and widely accepted soon we will see oil dissapear completely in my lifetime and it will take 6billion years for there to be oil agian. No oil means no motor oil for your car, no gasoline, no plastics, nothing. I can't fathom what the medical industry will be like with no plastics or the transportation industries be without fuel. This is a HUGE problem.

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If America is wiped out tomorrow, the rest of world, which is 95%, will continue.

If Europe is wiped out tomorrow, the rest of the world, which is 92%, will continue.

Not quite........

But ok I do this for a living. The single biggest threat to us right now is ourselves. Broad spectrum anti-biotics are no longer working on certain strains. All its going to take is some form of strep to resist cipro, zpac, and so on and were gone. Hell if HIV goes airborne were gone. We already know how to make these bugs resist whatever we want. It’s just a matter of time. Long before peak-oil, the sun explodes, a comet hits us, Israel nukes everyone, we will have a pandemic that will put is back in our rightful places.

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lemme guess your a hardcore republican from the south and you probably come from old money? am i right?

He is a hardcore conservative. He is so conservative, Bush is on the liberal side.

Arguing with him is pointless. While he does seem to know a bit about Volvos, stiring things up in Political seems to be the main reason he comes to this site.

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