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Clinton Says That Climate Change Is The Worlds Biggest Worry?


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lol dude u don't phase me at all. ur trying to justify us blowing the crap out of a country by saying we're gonna fix it all up wen we're done. good job. imma burn down ur IMO old crappy house now, n build ya a brand spanking new one just cuz i can n i think its better. yea, the american soilders are gaining support from iraqi citizens everyday. n everyday the american citizens are rallying to pull our boys out of there. check bush's approval rating smart guy, he's not fooling anyone with this bs anymore. i've lost 2 friends to this war n they were fresh out of high school. go tell their parents their sons died cuz they were fixing another country. see how fast u get thrown out. they died for their country n thats a noble honor, but its deaths that could of been avoided. don't tell me about being a disgrace, my father was an w/ the 52nd air born army rangers. he was the only vietnamese man fighting in the vietnamese war on the american side. the only reason im not in the military is cuz of pre-existing health issues, but i won't even trying to speak on all the soilder's behalf. hotdog head bureaucrats like u really shouldn't even try commenting for soilders who stand the front lines either. instead of sitting there making judgements on situations ur not even in get ur jerk on the front line n then come back n talk. y is it that the idiots who stir up trouble sit back n let innocent ppl do their dirty work? give bush n this nut sack some guns n ship their asses to iraq n see how long they last.

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It is irresponsible, inaccurate and disgraceful for an American citizen to compare the US soldier to a suicide bomber who was sent forth to his death with a promise of 72 virgins!

both soldier and "terrorist" are looking for the same thing; happiness in life and or death.

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time to tick some people off...

Your reading comprehension is severely challenged by your political bias. America is not hated around the world but envied. What makes America what it is, is that our laws are based on morals and virtues. There is no morality in strapping a suicide bomb on our children to kill other men, women and children! There is no virtue in killing unborn babies!

where is the virtue in having a complete and total disregard for the life, welfare, interest, etc. of the mother, or of the father, or of the child once born? come on. this issue is so much more complicated then that. how can you say that every embryo deserves a chance when 50% of all fertilized eggs fail to implant? where is the virtue in demanding that every pregnancy go to term, when our teens and other woman are denied a proper sexual education and the means to prevent pregnancy? hell, where is the virtue in forcing your religious views onto another, especially in a country that's supposed to be about liberty?

as for "the war on terror..." please. it's a war on terrorISM. to be fair you can't fight either, one is an emotional state and the other is a tactic. and you know what? wake up to the truth and the harsh reality of history, the tactic works.

terrorism is why there is a free ireland, why israel exists, why afganistan isn't part of russia, why france is out of algeria, and on and on. it's a desperate tactic of last resort, but anyone with no other way to fight back would do the same. another thing of note is that terrorism is never spontaneous. people don't just sit around and one day decide to start a war and start blowing up buildings, buses, and people. terrorism is a weapon of the disadvantaged oppressed, to be used against their oppressors. if the IRA had a military capable of fighting a conventional war against the british, they would have. hell there's plenty of rebellions (like the easter rising of 1916) in which us irish tried in vain. terrorism, and political involvement to back it up (which is what hamas is starting to do) is what worked.

does that make it right? no, but it isn't right to oppress other people either, and it isn't right for citizens to be complacent in the oppression of others by their nation. it's a pretty fair thing to say that war or violence in general and of any form isn't right, but sometimes you're simply left without a better choice.

you can't be so ignorant and closed minded about the world. history matters, the truth matters, and reality really does matter.

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time to tick some people off...

where is the virtue in having a complete and total disregard for the life, welfare, interest, etc. of the mother, or of the father, or of the child once born? come on. this issue is so much more complicated then that. how can you say that every embryo deserves a chance when 50% of all fertilized eggs fail to implant? where is the virtue in demanding that every pregnancy go to term, when our teens and other woman are denied a proper sexual education and the means to prevent pregnancy? hell, where is the virtue in forcing your religious views onto another, especially in a country that's supposed to be about liberty?

as for "the war on terror..." please. it's a war on terrorISM. to be fair you can't fight either, one is an emotional state and the other is a tactic. and you know what? wake up to the truth and the harsh reality of history, the tactic works.

terrorism is why there is a free ireland, why israel exists, why afganistan isn't part of russia, why france is out of algeria, and on and on. it's a desperate tactic of last resort, but anyone with no other way to fight back would do the same. another thing of note is that terrorism is never spontaneous. people don't just sit around and one day decide to start a war and start blowing up buildings, buses, and people. terrorism is a weapon of the disadvantaged oppressed, to be used against their oppressors. if the IRA had a military capable of fighting a conventional war against the british, they would have. hell there's plenty of rebellions (like the easter rising of 1916) in which us irish tried in vain. terrorism, and political involvement to back it up (which is what hamas is starting to do) is what worked.

does that make it right? no, but it isn't right to oppress other people either, and it isn't right for citizens to be complacent in the oppression of others by their nation. it's a pretty fair thing to say that war or violence in general and of any form isn't right, but sometimes you're simply left without a better choice.

you can't be so ignorant and closed minded about the world. history matters, the truth matters, and reality really does matter.

YEAH! The IRA intentionally blew up schools and weddings and candy stores and beheaded people all the time!

What's wrong with you? They're FREEDOM FIGHTERS. No, this is something new and something different. These poeple are NOT defending a territory. And lest you forget, they attacked us on 9-11 and before. We weren't even in their neck of the woods as fits the list of examples you gave. This is different.

-You're a fool if you think otherwise bottlecap, nothing matches up to this in history.

both soldier and "terrorist" are looking for the same thing; happiness in life and or death.

and YOU fit the "lazy coward" charicature- taking the path of least resistance, least disruption of your life, the path of appeasment and complacency in the face of threat to Western Civilzation itself.

HTownTurboBrick: So what if only those who served could speak about it? Well then I guess the military would pretty much be ruling this country since they won WWII for us, held off the Soviets, etc. Where does your logic take you? Not very far. We all have a say in this becuase we have brains and we are allowed to use them.

Yeah you three pissed me off alright. Why don't you move to France and help them hoist the white flag? You seem all too eager to do that!

You don't beleive in this country and you won't stand up for it because there is no right and no wrong to you. Well let me tell that there is and its coming in the form of a dirty nuke maybe to a neighborhood near you. OOOH but they're freedom fighters! Tell me, WHAT WERE THEY FREEDOM FIGHTING FOR ON 9-11, HUH?!?! Just shake your head and go "Uhu Huhu Duhhh". You gotta think and don't let peace at any cost wackos throw you into a hippie frenzy. Peace is great, but unfortunately, war is need to obtain peace sometimes. It's kinda like "without the 2nd ammendment, we don't have the 1st." Think about it.

It isn't going to be OBL saving the world from Bird Flu, or sending up an attempt to divert an asteroid or explore the worlds oceans or give women and homosexuals rights, IT'S the US- IT'S EUROPE, IT'S THE WEST. GET IT THROUGH YOUR SLOGGY HEADS that there is right and wrong, GOOD AND EVIL.

Shyeet I'm wide awake now.

Edited by RAzOR
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lol yea there is right and wrong good and evil. So the people of Iraq must suffer the wrath of the US because of the foolish attempt to undermine us by some people from afghanistan? Does any remember where the 9-11 terrorist came from?

Do you honestly think i'll sit back and let you try to tell me our soilders aren't worthy to voice their MORE THEN WORTHY opinion on the war? Our boys over there do need to be heard, y do only prick politicians who are too chicken stuff to go over there n fight for their Darn selves like to sit back and judge and spout off idiotic propoganda and underestimate the vaule of our soilders? Be a man n stand up already then. Your so good at putting anyone else who isn't as closed minded into the coward category, y the hell don't u go fight for our freedom if you believe in it so Darn much? Because your just as Darn cowardly as any other politician who sits his fat jerk in a $5000 leather office chair safely away from the bullets and gunfire. Did i say throw up the white flag? I said get our boys out of a fight we're not supposed to be in. U wanna find Osma go to his country. Police don't raid a crack house by busting in the building next door.

O n just in case u try to spin the issue, ill cut u off before u can. Did we find any evidence of biological weapons in Iraq? A couple of canisters of nothing dosen't prove jack stuff. I'm as patriotic as any other man in this country. And ill fight for all my rights as a citizen, given to me by the establishers of this nation. But this nation was built on equality and honoring the differences of others. Too bad it only applied to white people at the time. Minorities and women had to suffer and fight for generations to get to where we are today, and you're sitting here trying to tell us that Iraqi people, muslim people aren't better then us and we NEED to go over there n tear up their country so we can make it "better" for them. Yea we removed a tyrant, it only leaves room for another, bigger one to step in. You really think just because we give them a constitution some stupid titles, and teach them how to be crooked politicians everything is gonne be alright? The shiites and sunis are still going to fight, and they're going to try to corrupt the polls so they majority leaders in office will be their own groups. We can't change a society we don't kno jack stuff about. Our ways are not necessairly the right ways...and do you realize within this next century our way of life and society will crumble? Empires don't last forever and superpower will fall. Our currency is extremely unstable, 60% around 300 billion dollars of our circulating currency is outside the US. The euro is getting stronger then the dollar. Its all signs of a weakening economy and if we don't step up and take care of ourselves b4 we go and take care of someone else, the american dream has a good chance of collapsing.

You think of yourself as a patriot and we're protecting ourselves, what part of Iraq belongs to the US people then? Get that in your mind, your kids' world is going to be an entirely different place. Hope you take satisfaction in the knowledge that you supported the war on terrorism, and forgot to support your kids future in better education, better health care, clean enviroment, and the wonderful idea that she had the chance to walk down the street w/ out worrying terrorist are going to retaliate on him/her because his/hers daddy n his buddies pissed em off.

Buddhism teaches true equality and every man has the right to believe in what he wants to believe in as long as it does no harm to any other man and does not try to force it upon any other nonbeliever and does not harm himself, and no man has the right to take that away. You're not god, and your sure as hell not anybody's god...who says you have the right to take away another man's beliefs? That is what makes a terrorist a terrorist, when you try to take away the other man's beliefs. We're just another form of terrorist. We went and terrorised another country, we just don't call it that because we have all the money and technology so we say its not...wow what a wonderful thought, get away with crime as long as we have money and technology to do so. What happens when we can't anymore?

Lol your awake now becuase you thinking your fighting a good fight? Bro you don't know jack stuff, get out on the front lines and be "wide awake now." Your thoughts are just as valid as my thoughts. I think you're wrong you think i'm wrong n we can play this game till the 33rd of Never. It wouldn't change a Darn thing. Because as long as i'm open minded to your ideas i can shurg it off n say ok..he has a point, but you on the other hand will never accept an opposing idea no matter how true it could be if you already believe otherwise. Your closed mindedness will be what continues this fight, because you won't accept it until you make every one agree to what you say. As for me i could care less about what you and starfish think, but ill be damned if i sit back and stay quite while you oppress the rest of the VS board and american people that dosen't agree. Silence will mean you made me agree to what you believe in and as long as I'm heard, i won't be ignored. So keep fighting the good fight, i can do it too, cuz we're here at a computer just typing, while our boys are taking gun fire and casualties and what we say isn't going to make a difference.

Edited by HtownTurboBrick
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The vast majority of our soldiers support the war and rebuilding effort and do not want to leave until their work is finished. No poll ever done shows otherwise. Do some homework.

I never said the soliders' opinions do not matter. They matter very much and their perspective is highly valued since they are on the ground and see it first hand. But their opinion cannot direct the course of the war. That's why we have generals and such who get the bigger picture, integrate national policy prioirities, and because of this their actions may not always make sense to the public or the man on the ground.

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O i kno our soilders support the war n won't leave till we're done what we went there to do. I was raised by a soilder i had the the lessons taught to me. Don't start what you can't finish, If your gonna do something do it all the way, and always back and support your troop, battalion and country. I don't deny any soilder regretting what they're doing. But what i'm saying is run a poll n see how many soilders think us rushing iraq was a good move. n ull see what kind of response you get. all my marine n army buddies support what we're doing there, and i support what they're doing too, but when i ask them was it right for us to do what we did, they'll gave me a drop dead no. They support the rebuilding of Iraq not the dismantiling of it.

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O i kno our soilders support the war n won't leave till we're done what we went there to do. I was raised by a soilder i had the the lessons taught to me. Don't start what you can't finish, If your gonna do something do it all the way, and always back and support your troop, battalion and country. I don't deny any soilder regretting what they're doing. But what i'm saying is run a poll n see how many soilders think us rushing iraq was a good move. n ull see what kind of response you get. all my marine n army buddies support what we're doing there, and i support what they're doing too, but when i ask them was it right for us to do what we did, they'll gave me a drop dead no. They support the rebuilding of Iraq not the dismantiling of it.

I agree and at some point they have to leave it to the locals. But our soldiers are not the ones doing the dismantling. It a curious mix of foreign Syrian backed Arabs and Iraqis. We are helping not hurting I contend. And if we leave now, we leave them less prepared rather than if we left a little later. Thats what the brains are supposed to figure out is "when".

And I hope to God we don't have go first into Iran. I hope Europe steps up and takes car of that ballbuster.

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I agree and at some point they have to leave it to the locals. But our soldiers are not the ones doing the dismantling. It a curious mix of foreign Syrian backed Arabs and Iraqis. We are helping not hurting I contend. And if we leave now, we leave them less prepared rather than if we left a little later. Thats what the brains are supposed to figure out is "when".

And I hope to God we don't have go first into Iran. I hope Europe steps up and takes car of that ballbuster.

Coming back to the previous points. You keep running your mouth about 9/11. Guess what, osama aint afghani. The entire operation was based in saudi arabia. Freedom Fighters, Freedom Fighters my asss. You want freedom, go to north korea, go to IRAN, go to AFRICA. If you cant see that the president bullshtied you about iraq then you are just as blind as starfish who is a complete neo nazi duche.

Edited by kuzia60
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kuzia, The intent of the original post was to illustrate just some of the incompetency of Clinton and his thoughts of global warming being the greatest threat and his view of terrorism being at the bottom of his list. That whole statement is based on junk science and was made to gain money from his far-far-far left supporters who currently run the financially broke Democratic party.

Don't you find it odd that this story was ditched because it shows that leaders in the Democrat party REALLY ARE weak on defense. It is a known fact that Bill & Hillary Clinton loathed the military and gave them much disrespect. It is also a known fact that while in office Clinton decimated the military leaving us with many of the problems the left complains of now. It is also a known fact that Clinton actively gave top US military and intelligence secrets to the Chi-comms for political contributions. Bottom line is Clinton is a whore and watching the Bush family who have a great respect for the office try to help that loser build a favorable legacy AFTER his disappointing 8 year tenure is painful to watch.

Edit: On a personal note... Thanks for leading the discussion with your civil tone! I love you too!

Edited by starfish
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Clinton and Gore are worried about the POSSIBLE fate of penguins in Antarctica 100 years from now which may OR MAY NOT even be the human race's fault.

Folks who have their prioirities staright are far more worried about finding themselves glowing in the dark and then dying of radiation poisoning.

Edited by RAzOR
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Clinton and Gore are worried about the POSSIBLE fate of penguins in Antarctica 100 years from now which may OR MAY NOT even be the human race's fault.

Folks who have their prioirities staright are far more worried about finding themselves glowing in the dark and then dying of radiation poisoning.

if thats the case then attack the right country dimwit

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Oh, and what country might that be Einstein?

One that actually has nuclear weapons, or one that is an actual threat to the United

States. If your dumbasss "war on freedom" would have been in lets say Iran? North Korea? then maybe your argument would be logical, however, we are in iraq. Wtf?

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Kuzia you don't even believe in the words you use. IF that is what you and your kind want, please tell us who is leading the charge to destroy the Iranian nuclear program threat? Why is the left more interested in giving the terrorists protection under the US constitution then protecting us citizens? Why, because the Democrats are a party of protesters and not a party of ideas and leadership! They have become impotent and irrelevant as their base is now full of kook 60's protesters, malcontents, communists and psychotic perverts.

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