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Americans de-capitated

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thats some messed up sh!t...this brings up another issue i have...we as a country don't use the death penalty enough, if there is substantial evidence in something like a murder case, jail time should not be an option, thats my .02 and i'm sticking to it

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I've got my own take on things, I suppose. Part of it is the unforgiving sadist in me saying that death is too good for them. Part of it is that I don't believe the state has the right to take a life, and I don't believe killing is right under any circumstance. I've gotten flack before for that, and I think the arguement I've heard the most is either "well, you've never lost someone like that" or, "what if someone killed someone really significant to you". Normally I prefer to keep personal details to myself, but people tend to assume that I was really shook up my the loss of my grandparents/dog/whatever, and gloss over it, so I'm heading this one off at the pass. My first memory is my mother being crushed to death in front of me in a car accident, killed by a drunk driver. I'm not even going to go into the effect that's had on me, and I'd prefer that we not touch upon that further. She's also not the last person close to be to pass away (which is more than sufficient information). I just don't think that killing is right. Sure, the people that commit crimes like that may be sick, twisted, amoral monkeytards, but there's no reason we have to stoop to their level. It's not even "take the high road", since there's a large part of me that says "let that gnaw on their mind for the rest of their lives". If they're so devoid of humanity as to not feel remorse, fine, they're at least locked away and won't do it again. And it's not like people who dick with kids (in the sense of what they did, or in the literal sense) are exactly popular folks in prison...

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This is great.... and case in point.

Iraq terrorist do it to 1 person and its national news for a week and the topic here gets 10 responces in hours.

An american does it to 3 people and its bearly a sound byte, and 4 post after half a day.

Thats great. Says a lot..... Atleast to me.

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This is great.... and case in point.

Iraq terrorist do it to 1 person and its national news for a week and the topic here gets 10 responces in hours.

An american does it to 3 people and its bearly a sound byte, and 4 post after half a day. 

Thats great.  Says a lot..... Atleast to me.

I knew there was some tie with the Iraqi happenings and you making this threat... And I'm not surprised at all by the results of this thread, the media talking about it, and how big it would be.

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Well, they didn't broadcast it cause not much political money was being pumped into this issue.

Freak, the fact that we have 7 potential terrorists here hasn't seen much daylight from the news stations. Sure, they say "keep an eye for such and such", but the mention of the problems we have at home are no were near that of what we hear about Iraq.

Sadly, that's the way the dollar works. Sucks. BTW, these guys may have been motivated by unpaid debt from immigration and getting the kids' parents here into the US. Screwed up society we live in. Royally screwed up.

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Indeed it was a propoganda free story.

As much as I hate the Bush Admin. and the war, and as cynical as I am... even I can't buy that that's the only reason it go so much air time.

However, it is depressing... havn't heard anything else about this set of sickos. Part of that is that our news media doesn't like to show Americans doing wrong (remember those skinheads with the chemical weapons just after 9/11? Didn't think so...).

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My 2 cents...

There are a lot of messed up people in this country because of cultural bias, influences and other unnecessary negative inputs. I also think that our horrible justice system allows the thought to circulate that we can more or less get away with anything.

Despite the flaws, pro death penalty. A lot of people wouldn't murder if the second they were about to pull the trigger they remembered that, say, 99% of convicted murderers would be executed... these 3rd world countries might have a lot of problems, but at least they got something right.

BTW, regardless of his stance on the capital punishment, go Kerry*


-tim 850R

I am about to get flamed like hell for this but its ok

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My 2 cents...

There are a lot of messed up people in this country because of cultural bias, influences and other unnecessary negative inputs. I also think that our horrible justice system allows the thought to circulate that we can more or less get away with anything.

Despite the flaws, pro death penalty. A lot of people wouldn't murder if the second they were about to pull the trigger they remembered that, say, 99% of convicted murderers would be executed...  these 3rd world countries might have a lot of problems, but at least they got something right.

BTW, regardless of his stance on the capital punishment, go Kerry*


-tim 850R

I am about to get flamed like hell for this but its ok

Preach on, brotha! I agree with you on everything.. except the death penalty. I don't think they're going to worry about getting caught, neh? I'm more a pro-"well armed & trained populace" but whatever...

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