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Right To Bear Flag

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Disclaimer: In no way are the views and ideas written below shared by the Marine Corps. These are my personal thoughts and are not to be misconstrued to be representative of the Marine Corps'.

hmmm this topic has irritated the hell out of me for a long time. Let me start out buy saying that I am by no means against Mexicans, hell my best friend is a native Mexican that came here legally. So basically I agree with the majority of posts in this thread. The part that really gets to me are illegal immigrants seem to get more privileges than my wife who we got over here legally, and let me tell you it is not an easy short or cheap process. So it seems to me that we are being penalized for doing things the legal way. I know alot of people that have joined the military and held jobs that don't require a clearence in order to get American citizenship. The school districts around here decided not to even play with all of this and just extended spring break by starting it early. So the basic things that are being protested here are making illegal immigrants phelons and the building of the wall, these I think are good ideas. The part I don't like is making 13 million illegal immigrants legal, that just boggles my mind. That is pretty much saying it's ok to come illegally, hell why not go down and pick everyone else up and bring them here.

The whole flag thing really infuriates me, I grew up overseas on military bases not knowing my own country. I was a part of the flag detail throughout elementary and middle school. I basically became extremely patriotic, hence one of the reasons I am in the Marine Corps. Oh and the small insignificant detail that I have plenty of friends that have either been killed or injured protecting the rights and freedoms of AMERICAN citizens and legal immigrants, not somebody that somehow managed to cross the border.

:tup::tup::tup: :tup:

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The American public is far too comfortable and lazy right to wake up. It's kinda like a drug. Mix Starbucks, movies, video games, tv, tons of affordable restauraunts and watch them suck away at that big fat pacifier.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes this country has an immigration issue, but thats really just the symptom to a larger policy problem. Its the freakin Republicans who dont want to crack down on big business for employing these "illegals" and would rather go after each of the individual illegals. Gimme a break theres no way we could enforce a felony policy, like a million ppl a year? it would just be an unheeded message and cops couldnt handle it, our taxes would all go up. ...who would pick the fruit? Just build a wall for security purposes, noone wants another terror attack. one thing at a time i swear these policy makers always try to propose the whole shabang.. Also Gimme a break with this Mexican nationalism for real, mexico sucks, why do you think theyre all coming here...get over mexico.

Edited by ashman
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what ticks me off is all the people who try so hard to be nationalistic (not patriotic, there's a difference and we all ought to learn it quick). all they end up doing is disrespecting the flag and country they claim to love.

every american should read up on flag etiquette. the people who prance around in american flag t-shirts, have flag stickers/magnets/etc on their cars, and have flags going to tatters tied to their antenna are more of a problem than someone who'd like to fly the flag of another nation. i have no problem with that - so long as they remember that if it's flown with a us flag, it needs to be below it in this country. americans, however, need to remember that displaying the flag is supposed to be a difficult thing to do. it shows respect, intent, effort, pride, etc. it's not something to be displayed so casually. if you'd like to do that use a red whit and blue banner, and for christ sake keep the blue on top.

i own an irish flag, and i'm proud of being irish. no one hassles me or germans, or italians, or anyone else who hangs up a flag from their country of origin. the only people who catch bs for it are latinos. that's just xenophobia and racism. this is america, we're all (proud to be) from somewhere else as well as here. we don't have a national language and we have the right to free speech, in spanish or english.

on the topic of the illegals...

the current system works for everyone. we need them to do the jobs we don't want to do (that's why we keep hiring them), and they need those jobs and the money they pay. they pay taxes and don't get anything for it, and we can send them home whenever we want. frankly they need to stop complaining, they knew what they were doing when they came here. it's time to wait in line for citizenship like everyone else. politicians need to stop trying to score a new voting block and illegals need a reality check. they have a pretty sweet deal, and we make out on it too.

that said the hostility towards latinos from americans is ridiculous. every people to immigrate here has brought their culture with them. why should the hispanics be any different?



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