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Allright whos down for a little caravan on the way there? Local GTA people we should meet at the timmies again on Dundas and HWY 6. Than we can caravan it to the rest stop off the 401 in woodstock to meet up with KW people and than we can haul jerk the rest of the way to london.

Sound good? Awesome

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what time at tyhe Timmy's? I might have to drive down from Bala in the morning for this one...so I might just show up at the meet ot time it to get to the KW meeting point....

Hey man, can you start a list of the VS crew planning to head out to this thing? That would sure be swell. :tup:

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no I am too busy now.... but here ya go cuz I'm bored at the moment

1. Me

2. Adam

3. Patrick

4. Piran ???

5. Ryan

6. Ed

7. Gabe ???

if someone can PM the outstanding memebers in the area that would be great... I'm short staffed this week and just had a baby so I'm a weeeeeeee bit busy. Thanks guys

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wish i could go :( just dont have a car yet

show up anyways.. lots of people do... pyrotech drove down with us last year, you just have to park outside the show and ay 5 bucks like everybody else... maybe you'll find the car you need/want there..... :ph34r:

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I probably could...

Graydon, if you're coming south out of Bala and plan on meeting Adam and friends at the Tim's/Wendy's you should give me a call around guelph and I'll try and meet up with you on the 401

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