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Canadian Volvo Club Meet


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i'm about 80% out.

I won't get to detail the car today (and it needs it) and i've spent WAY too much money this week (birthday week - w00t - 25!)

I would really like to go, but I might ironically enough use the expected good sunday weather to polish, scratchX, and wax the car.. so it will look hot for... umm.. the ladies.. who all hate station wagons!? :(

Anyhow, have fun, but I may see you there!?

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I've arrived in Milton at my cousin's house around 2pm today, wicked tired, and I've got a bit of a headach. I just crashed in the back of my car for 2 hours, feeling better. I cruised down with 1 FASTBOX and a nice burgundy 850 Turbo on Titans. I got some wonderful rolling shots of the two. The front of Sean's car was all taped up to avoid the bugs. We met up with 3 more guys at a rest stop, 262 (SEXYBRICK) a 1961 544 and my friend's dad in a 2002 V70.

I'll see the rest of you guys tomorrow morning.

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monkeykkkkkkkk i'm gettin up at 7 just so i can wash my car before the meet, and i gotta clean my house before my parents get home tomorrow night. i should be in bed........ in fact thats what i'm doin now. See ya at 8 ppl

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Plus, just got a view of Getty's Box before hand. My God is that car looking good. Truely flawless.

getty lee drives a volvo. awesome. make sure he doesn't start singing that crappy song about tree's.


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getty lee drives a volvo. awesome. make sure he doesn't start singing that crappy song about tree's.


how about Tom Sawyer or rocket boy??? Neil Pert ruined it all.... stupid sci-fi rock....

Adam, I feel your pain, just did a 4 hour drive down from up north, gt home 30 minutes ago, getting up a 6 to wash and do a quick hack detail...mmmm, muskoka bug guts allllll over the front of my car... this calls for Rod's deatil bucket of forbbiden love

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