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Od On My 765 Ti....1987


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I took 12 volts directly to the solenoid......

still not werky werky....

no overdrive.....

so, is it worth it to bang on the solenoid, nah....it will get stuck at the wrong time....

so a new one is in the future...real close...


can I use an aftermarket one, or should this part be original volvo?

did any of you guys drill out the solenoid, and fix it that way? it would be always on, but who cares....if I need passing power, I will downshift via the shifter or my foot...

and...did any of you guys use that kit that blocks off the OD .....no solenoid, just a blockoff plate?

just wanna see what is the best way, and see what everyone is doing.....


and, how much better will my gas milage be when this gets done?

I am turning 3600 rpms at 70mph, and at 4000 rpms, I am doing about 77 mph....

I think I am at 55 mph at about 3000 rpm, if I remember....

looking to get this done, and get some more miles outta my tank!


big al

the shaggin wagon!

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There is no need to buy a bypass/block off plate, a drill, a vice and a couple minutes and you can make your own:



You want to remove some of the material indicated by the colored lines, just put the drill bit in the small holes and drill at an angle toward the opposite hole. Doesn't take much effort. Just make sure you get all of the metal shavings out, then either use a new o-ring (not a common size), or apply rtv to both sides of the old one. And of course, of the two original o-rings, you wont need the smaller inner one anymore.

When you go to remove the solenoid, be prepared, if the trans is overfilled at all, fluid will come pouring out, otherwise if not overfilled, there shouldn't be any fluid coming out. Either way to minimize fluid leaking, I'd try to jack it up only from the rear of the car, or put the entire car up as even as possible, like the front's on ramps, with the rear on jack stands.

You might also clean up the trans around the solenoid before removing it, brake cleaner should work well for that.

For a replacement solenoid, they can be very expensive new, and used is going to be hit & miss, but potentially a much cheaper and workable solution. All RWD 4 cylinder cars from at least '83+ use the same solenoid, so that includes 240/740/760T/940. Most new aftermarket units should be fine.

And as for "how much better will my gas mileage be when this gets done?" we would need to know what your current fuel economy is in order to technically answer that question. Otherwise I would ask what fuel mileage should I expect from this car, which is something I cannot answer (read to lazy to research).

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very cool.....I can do that mod....

right now I am getting between 17-20 mpg, depending how much I rock the turbo.......

it is kinda nice to do 85 mph and be in such luxury!

big al

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Another option I forgot to mention above re jacking the car up: you could just jack up the (entire) left side of the car, leave the right side on the ground.

The fuel economy for your model is normally around 20 city 25 highway.

I get 18-20mpg average....so I guess the od will help! ahhahahaha

like I said, I am turning about 3600 rpm at 70mph, and 4000 at 76mph...

I am gonna modify the od solendoid this week, I will post photos...

thanks 3 tigers!

big al

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey tigers!

did what you said, but no cigar!

yah, didn't work...

now, I could not get to the picture over the weekend, so me and my friend guessed aobut the drilling, I think we got it right....

so I have to checkthat....and maybe the channell is not drilled far enough and deep enough.....

so I am gonna pull the solenoid off again, and also check to see if the channel is dug out the right way.....

and, maybe I might try to runn the car for a few seconds with out the solenoid to clear out the od passages, ....and I was thinking of getting a mirror up there to peer inside, and make sure the passages to the od solenoid were not clogged......

I really need to have my OD, I am turning about 3600 rpms at 70 mph....buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

am I on the right track?

do I need to drop the od unit, or is there anything else I can do?

do I need to flush the tranny..(don't think that has ever been done, and I am afraid of having the clutches slip.....had this happen on two other trannies, don't ask....) will flushing the tranny help>?

any one here ever rebuild the od unit? PITA or just time consuming, ....I am a shadetree mechanic that usually works street side or ina parking lot.....can leave the car sit for days though......

yah, this is the next step to getting my brick to run right....it seems like a big one, but I am willing to do whatever it takes, but would rather not but a new trans...hahahahha

thanks for the advice .......

big al

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Drop the OD unit? What OD unit? Really it's just a 4 speed automatic, you can take out the 4th gear stuff without completely disassembling the transmission. I have rebuilt one of these before and it's no walk in the park.

The channel on the solenoid doesn't need to be very big or deep. You did omit the smaller o-ring right? you don't want that in the way. Many people including myself have done this mod and had good results. I'm not sure why it's not working for you unless perhaps there are other issues in the transmission or maybe your kick down cable is too tight. You could unhook the cable from the throttle spool and see if 4th will engage, just note that during that test the trans will likely not downshift very easily if at all while at speed, you can still shift it manually though. Another possibility is that the kick down cable is stuck or sticking, before you try to remove it from the throttle spool, make sure it's not already notably slack.

A regular flush every 15-30k miles is a good thing for the trans, but it's very unlikely that it's related to your current issue, unless perhaps your fluid level is too low.

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thanks for the fast reply....


I did check the fluid level , and it is up to snuff

now...which cable is the kick down cable......remeber I am a noob....but I know what the throttle spool is!

yah, I did mean to drop the 4th gear stuff or whatever it is called, I have seen how it just patches on the back of the trans....I have read that the 11mm bolts are hard to get to....and the bolts up at the very top are a pita.....

so, I have patience, and if it is a littl epita, that is ok, but if it needs special tools, comprressors, machining and stuff ...not for me....

but ...yah I just said the drop od thing wrong.....I meant what you said....

yes, we took out the inner o ring......and the channel looks good ....I can post a pic, but I gave my digital camera to someone for a week or so....that is where the pic is....duh..

and as far as flushing the trans...don't wanna do it just yet....and if it has nothing to do with this issue like you stated that is good for now....

gonna go check the throttle spool and see if I can figure it out....



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ok...found the kickdown cable, and removed it......

the cable seemed to have some tension, and when I pulled it, it didn't seem to stick....

so I unhooked it, gonna try that....

BRB with the 411on the OD!!!!

big al

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yah, I did mean to drop the 4th gear stuff or whatever it is called, I have seen how it just patches on the back of the trans....I have read that the 11mm bolts are hard to get to....and the bolts up at the very top are a pita.....
If the patient we are talking about is an automatic transmission, then no the OD is not just tacked on the back of the trans, however on the manual transmission it is a separate and independent component that you can remove without pulling the transmission. I assumed we are talking about an automatic as I am not aware of any 760s that came with a manual in U.S. spec trim. But then again I have no clue what part of the planet you occupy or from which retail market your car originated.
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sorry bout that...

yes it is an automatic,.//..,,..,,.,.......I am in NYC, usa.....so it is not a euro model...

so I pulled out the kick down cable.....no 4th gear....

so, I am gonna pull out the OD solenoid and check out the channel that my friend drilled.....

what else could I check? is it possible that because the OD hasnt engaged for over 4 years....that it is "stuck" in 3rd gear?

all suggestions are welcome.....thanks 3 tigers!


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the only things left to do are:

* pull and checK solenoid drill out channel

* check solenoid mounting point on trans, to make sure no obstructions...free flowing fluid....(start car if needed to "flush" out the holes....without OD solenoid in place)

* total flush of trans, and install synthetic trans fluid

* pull and rebuild 4th gear assembly


whaddya think?

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You can't just "pull and rebuild 4th gear assembly", you'd have to rebuild the entire transmission. A basic rebuild kit will cost around 125$ and you will need to buy or fabricate 2 or 3 special tools, and in order to verify that everything is still within operational specs, you will need a really good set of bore and ID gauges, probably a micrometer and a dial gauge too, if you want to do it right. This is a very complex operation. I've rebuilt many engines over the years, balanced and blueprinted them, but no operation I've done to date has compared to rebuilding and automatic.

Otherwise I'll ask out at the shop tomorrow and see if they have any other suggestions on why 4th isn't working.

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ok thanks 3T.....

I thought I saw info about rebuilding the 4th gear assem.....maybe it was for automatics....

lets hope I don't hav eto go there...

gonna pull the solenoid on friday, and flush out the solenoid mounting point on the trans and check the sol drill out channel.......

lets hope that works!

thanks for checking with the shop for any other ideas 3T.......

big al

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