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Please tell me how the war on terror is failing. I'm interested to know...

It is a legit question...

In my personal opinion, when I look at Iraq, I see total chaos. There is no government structure, and when there is, the terrorist just assasinate the people and they have to elect new ones.

And this is another reason. I don't know why George W. doesn't get this, cause it is totally f*cking obvious, you can't force democracy on a country that has a had a dictator in power for the last 30 years. Democracy just doesn't work. It took almost 200 years for the U.S. to perfect it, and we expect it will happen in a couple of years for them?!?!?! The terrorists will always be angry, and when you kill one, another tow spring up. I have seen Iraqies and they are pissed as hell becuase they are afraid of going outside because of the terrorists kidnapping them. This wasn't happening ten years ago.

Also, we should fight terrorism, but not by going around like a blind hunter shooting at everything! We should have planned more before we jumped into Iraq. I would have liked to go into Saudi Arabi and take care of the terrorist extremists there, WHERE ALMOST ALL OF THE HIJACKERS WERE FROM, including Osama.

I just think we are fighting an uphill battle that we can never win. I am not suggesting that we pull out instantly, but we have shot oursleves in the foot, and our children will be paying for the war. We are spending 2 billion dollars a week in Iraq, rep. don't want to raise taxes, so where does the money come from. We don't have the money to fight the war, we don't know who we are fighting against, cause they all look the same over there. We just can't win.


Edited by EvolveT5R
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I have seen Iraqies and they are pissed as hell becuase they are afraid of going outside because of the terrorists kidnapping them. This wasn't happening ten years ago.

Also, we should fight terrorism, but not by going around like a blind hunter shooting at everything! We should have planned more before we jumped into Iraq. I would have liked to go into Saudi Arabi and take care of the terrorist extremists there, WHERE ALMOST ALL OF THE HIJACKERS WERE FROM, including Osama.

Ten years ago Iraqi's weren't being kidnapped by terrorists, they were being kidnapped by baathist secret police. Any overt opposition to the party was typically whisked away in the middle of the night never to be seen or heard from again. Same shit different day. Their may not have been IED's or militias, but Baathist Iraq was no paradise either.

Saudi Arabia is our ally in the middle east. Hijackers may have come from there but they really pose no threat to us at all. Look at the way they fought to defend themselves during the first gulf war. IMHO Iraq was a far greater threat as a nation whom had a history of trying to develop WMD, sanctions not working, and sanctions expiring.

Iraq has been up and down. This ethnic militia / death squad bullshit needs to be squashed immediately. A sizable portion of the resistance in Iraq are not Iraqi's either. The Syrian and Iranian borders are far to pourus, maybe even worse than the US mexican border. I think they need to start putting some 24 hour air patrols on all the problem borders. Anything seen moving across a border, and not passing through an official border checkpoint gets blown the fuck up. Shit, leave the wreckage there so that would be insurgents know whats about to hit them.

It's amazing the impression you get from watching CNN or reading the paper about what is happening over there. Personally, I've had the chance to interact with a wide range of Marines who have been over in the sandbox over the past few years. They usually have a far different tale to tell than what the news stories say.

Fourth generation warefare, as we are currently engaged in, is quite difficult to win. The insurgency can win by not loosing, and we can lose by not winning. It will certainly be an uphill battle, but it is in no way unwinnable.

You'll probably never hear of Hattin, or the success Marines have had in that town. If you care to read about that, search for USMC FMFM 1-A Draft "Fourth Generation War"

fmfm stands for fleet Marine field manual - if you can't find it ill send it to you.

Speaking in broader terms, I think the war on terror has largely been a success so far. No domestic attacks since 9/11. That works for me. We eliminated the taliban government which allowed / aided terrorist operations on its soil. There may still be some left, but when they come out to fight us, we kill them. Same thing happens in Iraq. Insurgents fight us, we kill them. I would much rather take the fight to our enemies in their playground than let them bring it here.

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But then how come no nuclear weapons were found in N. Korea during the Clinton administration?

Probably because UN weapons inspectors were looking for them.

Oh and developing a bomb doesen't happen overnight, so yes they were working on it during clinton's years. Hell, clinton gave them a freakin reactor under the premise that they would stop trying to develop nuclear technologies.

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An administrator changed the name of this topic to jack mehoff, so i can't seriously think that anyone is concerned that a member might open this thread thinking they are about to read about jack mehoff and be dissapointed that we are discussing the Iraq war or UN weapons inspectors. It's not like it came out of the blue either, he said it, i challenged it. He responded, I respond. It's how debate works.

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he said it, i challenged it. He responded, I respond. It's how debate works.
He was wrong, you followed him. :)

You are supporting, so you could start an Iraq thread. EvolveT5R and Starfish can't, which is why they like to shift topics.

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He was wrong, you followed him. :)

You are supporting, so you could start an Iraq thread. EvolveT5R and Starfish can't, which is why they like to shift topics.

If you are concerned in protecting the honor and integrity of this thread, what is stopping you from changing the title back to something more mature? :rolleyes:

Regards - starfish

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If you are concerned in protecting the honor and integrity of this thread, what is stopping you from changing the title back to something more mature? :rolleyes:

Regards - starfish

Only the mod of this area or an OH mod can change titles.

Would have been but I got hurt this summer. I was in OCS class 192 and made it 5 of 10 weeks before they found 3 stress fractures in my right leg. There's always next year though.

Good luck next year, thanks for being a supporting member :)

<---- likes marines ;) :rolleyes:

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