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Well I'm still a newb, and I'm still humbled every time I post :P this site is awsome, a little over a yr ago I didn't know squad about anything, I bought my 850 because it had a turbo, and I figured that was good lol. now I can stage 0 an 850 well + I know enough for the general and moderate alterations I can make to the car. This site, and Charles are the most helpful anything for volvo's that I've seen. I appriciate all the work Charles puts into the site. And I think the site has gotten better, I don't see the smarter people posting less I just see the general pop. not asking right. All in all keep it going VS is a life saver

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Awesome site. Saved me bundles of $$$. Increased my technical abilities and gave me the confidence to do it myself. I really enjoy my Volvos now. Can I send you some money to help the cause? Tell me how...

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I've been on for a few years now, and it's hard for me to say if the site has moved forward, or if I have moved forward, or a combo of both. When I first came on, I lurked, asked dumb questions just like anyone else does when they first sign on, but over time, I began exploring on my own, learned a little bit about the car, and the main thing, is I learned WHO to ask certain questions to.

You hit the nail on the head when you said we have 10 or less people on this forum who actually know their stuff. It's a credit to you (Charles), that you keep these few people happy on the boards, and make them mods, as opposed to people who just are hear alot. I like that fact that I can just PM some of those few people with a specific question, and I get a straight answer. I'm also glad that you've selected people who are willing to answer these questions readily, without too much bull.

I think the biggest, and only improvement you can make (and only YOU can make this), is that you pull out the ban hammer (seriously, no joke). Get rid of people with feeler threads, get rid of the ones with "suck it" and "you're the man". Admittedly, I do that sometimes lol, but you know that I have some posts with content in it at times, and I don't go to each and every irrelevant post just to say "you're ghey". I think you know the usernames of the people I'm talking about already....you've got them in the back of your head. Start deleting feeler threads, teaser threads, etc. Don't move them to off-topic....they dont deserve it. Delete them.

Also, I don't know if you've done the thing where you have to have been a member for a certain time before you can post, or you have to have a minimum of 10 posts in existing threads before you can start a new topic (I think you have because I don't see too many spammers starting new threads).

Anyway, I'm satisfied. I've met with so many QUALITY members from all over the country, and you've (or the limited number of Volvo fanatics) made the community very family oriented and close....that's key. We don't have JRL tearing shit apart, although Greg is on the brink at points, although those of us that know him can cut through his sarcasm.

So, Cliff's notes:

Ban dummies (we have way too many)

make moderators out of members who have qualifications to be a mod (not someone who's here all the time, but someone who can answer the questions)

keep quality threads

and suck it.

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I think the site is moving forward. I like the fact that people are starting to get into more serious mods and really learn about what these cars are capable of. I would like to see more serious technical threads where people don't completely ruin them. A lot of this behavior seems to stop these good posts from even being created. Pras got it right when he said that there are really only a select few people who really know their shit and it is much easier to PM one of these people and get a serious straight forward answer then make a post about it.

Charles, i've been told that you hate to create new forums, but I would really like to see a "project forum" where people can start a thread for their car and update it as they progress. I think it would be good for people to be able to read different project threads to get ideas of what's possible, what's involved and hopefully one day, the results from the work put forth. It might even help more people see that certain mods aren't as difficult as they expected. I know i've got lots of PMs asking about my intercooler, turbo, blah blah blah..

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Charles, i've been told that you hate to create new forums, but I would really like to see a "project forum" where people can start a thread for their car and update it as they progress. I think it would be good for people to be able to read different project threads to get ideas of what's possible, what's involved and hopefully one day, the results from the work put forth. It might even help more people see that certain mods aren't as difficult as they expected. I know i've got lots of PMs asking about my intercooler, turbo, blah blah blah..

cough. Blogs

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Even though have not been on VS too long...

VS has been a great help through out my Volvo ownership,

Saved me lots of $$, Given me lots and lots of good buying advice etc etc..

I like VS because it is allways evolving and changing. Some ppl may not like that, But I do.

Chuck and the mod team are great!

Also I like the fact that VS is for the most part member supported. That way the "sponsor's" can't dictate what we say. B) ( Another reason I picked VS over SS)

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I think I can speak for all of the VSers when I say how much we appreciate you Chuck ... this site has provided me with SO much knowledge and information. Volvospeed has saved me hundreds of dollars and I would be VERY broke without the site. I have gotten great deals on numerous items through the generosity of other members and I have made many friends through the community here as well as through meets organized on Volvospeed.

I remember when I first got my Volvo how unhappy I was about getting it, but after spending some time here I have done a complete 180. I eat sleep and breath Volvo!

On a side note, whenever I have problems doing repairs or installs, 90% of the time Chuck is online and always helps me out...That right there is dedication. I know that you must be somewhat busy.... with the site, your projects and your life in general, and being able to help individual members out is impressive.

Keep up the great work!

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I'm almost at the year mark and i absolutly love this place. I tried turbobricks and swedespeed. But turbobricks is obviously 200/700/900 series oriented and swedespeed has JRL who always seems to try to sell you a car. I personally would rather have people like arob posting something stupid every hour than try to ward off a salesman trying to sell you a v70 becuase your 850 has a missing radio code. Ive bought and sold so much stuff through VS (FS section AND auctions lol) and ive gotten so much advice on my cars. I would have never thought to put oil in my cylinders to regain compression. lol. And the mods guidance through everything is always fantastic.

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Volvospeed was one of the first volvo forums I found, vptuning and swedespeed where the two others. I slowly started to spend more of my time on VS then the two other sites mainly for the quick pace of the site. Bay 13, moderators and members have helped me out a great deal and I am very thankfull.

I think VS has improved tremendously, but like you said Chuck; "With the world changing, new cars coming out, new members coming and going, we too must change and adapt." The S60 project car was and is a great start and believe it will gather a lot of interest but we need a P2 section, like javadoc stated; "We are 'typecast' though, and you're right Charles, need more P2 membership and interest. That 'other' site seems to have a strangle-hold on that market, but that can easily change with support for those owners." I would also like to see a motosport section to show our support to volvo motorsports. I enjoyed and was happy to see Atspeed spending some time on the forum. I like to be in touch with the "small vendors" and support them since thy support us! Volvospeed is very powerfull and members are a big influence to the sites success. Good job guys, and thank you.

I hope all that makes sense, I'm tired, didn't re-read it.

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