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Speaking Of A Wall...


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Well, here is my little $.02

They do the labor A LOT of people would not do.

They try to be an American and speak english.

They are doing everything illegal everyday.

They can wait to get a green card.

Shut the boarder down (it is just going to get worse)

export to mexico... do not import FROM mexico

I got hit by a car by a mexican that should not be driving, should not have a car, should not be in this country, should HAVE insurance, and should speak english

And who's fault is it that he was here in the first place and probably been here for a few months to a year or two? Hmmmm?

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The status quo cannot remain. It cannot remain until anyone who wants to live here can- lest we forget about 4.9 billion Chinese who also want to come here- perhaps even more desperately.

Crossing a border is much easier than crossing Pacific Ocean:rolleyes: In addition, I think they're only ~6 billion for the world population so I think your fact is a bit off.

Regarding the topics....those immigrants do fills in the workforce that typical/normal Americans unwilling to work for the mininum (or below) wage. IE, farm work, fast food, custodian, landscaping,construction...etc

If they're gone, who picking your strawberry for your local grocery :P

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Hah! Kaliforneeyah already offers in-State tuition to illegals. NOw we give them credit cards, and there's another stab at driver's licenses.

My point is that it is not fair to them or good for our country. Let's shit or get off the pot. Either formally allow them to be here using the existing laws or get them out.

We are creating a slave class from our own greed.

I'll pay another $1 or $2 for strawberries as long as the guy picking them is legally allowed to be here, counted, taxed, and represented.

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Hah! Kaliforneeyah already offers in-State tuition to illegals. NOw we give them credit cards, and there's another stab at driver's licenses.

My point is that it is not fair to them or good for our country. Let's shit or get off the pot. Either formally allow them to be here using the existing laws or get them out.

We are creating a slave class from our own greed.

I'll pay another $1 or $2 for strawberries as long as the guy picking them is legally allowed to be here, counted, taxed, and represented.


I agreed.

Btw, I forgot which bank but I think Bank of America recently allow anyone to open account (credit card also) without require a SSN#.

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it's not that they take the jobs that nobody wants, it's that they take the jobs that nobody wants at the wages that are currently paid. The problem is that everyone wants what's cheapest and not necessarily what's best for the country and its legal citizens. If the wages for "jobs that no one wants" (i.e. janitorial work, food service, agriculture, etc) were increased to reflect the demand in labor from employers for those jobs, then legal citizens would want them. So kick out the illegals, raise the wages for shitty jobs, and let everyone pay a little more for fruits, vegetables, and fast food.

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IMHO the lobbies that are behind the "status quo" and the connection.

1. Mexican Government - direct - seeks to maintian number one flow of revenue into the country.

2. Business - direct - Owners profit from low wages while the taxpayer, society, and local government covers the social burdens

3. DNC - direct - Radical elements render impotency, party sees potential future voters, afraid of political fallout, and potential national chaos.

4. GOP - direct - Business constituencies inside render them impotent, afraid of political fallout, and potential national chaos.

5. American Public - indirect - Lazy, distracted, confused and hindered by soft and inneffectively general main stream media information and analysis.


6. Imported Illegal Drug Industry - Direct - Would be greatly affected if border enforcement were to begin in earnest. Has a lot of cash to hire lobbying resources for unrelated but legitimate immigration and "open border" activist causes.

7. Catholic Church - Direct - "Safe Haven" crapola, "bordeless" philosophy, mainstream religeous influence on many politicians.

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Crossing a border is much easier than crossing Pacific Ocean:rolleyes: In addition, I think they're only ~6 billion for the world population so I think your fact is a bit off.

Regarding the topics....those immigrants do fills in the workforce that typical/normal Americans unwilling to work for the mininum (or below) wage. IE, farm work, fast food, custodian, landscaping,construction...etc

If they're gone, who picking your strawberry for your local grocery :P

BS , I agree with RAZor and Gregg on this one. Youre just gonna have to pay .40 cents more for your strawberries and stop the slave classes from forming. I do have a better solution. Sieze Mexico! Tax everyone accordingly. Did you know they have more oil than Saudi Arabia (mightve just made that up). PMEX is huge tho. Just call it new texas or some crap who cares NAFTA has already done the dirty work for us just tell that Fox bastard his time is up.

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