JDELUNA Posted September 13, 2007 Report Share Posted September 13, 2007 (edited) Here the Iraqi teens do not want the US Soldiers to leave right away but appreciate their presence and the sacrafice they make:http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/09/13/...able/index.htmlI have a friend that did 3 tours there and he told me that the American's would give the children there candy, Beanie Babies, etc. to make friends with them. The children in return would later return and approach the American soldiers letting them know of "Bad Men" hiding in so and so building, or a bomb in that area, etc. They also thank the soldiers that they are able to go to school especially the young girls. These are the things you do not hear in the media, as they do not want to report it. These chidlren are Iraq's future, when the older Al Queda, insurgents, etc. start dieing off from old age, etc. Eventually these kids will be the leaders of Iraq. They will remember the sacrafices that US Soldiers did for them and will eventually change Iraq to a much better nation. Just my rant. God Bless :) Edited September 13, 2007 by JDELUNA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mogatu'r Posted September 13, 2007 Report Share Posted September 13, 2007 Unfortunately some wont appreciate it . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JDELUNA Posted September 13, 2007 Author Report Share Posted September 13, 2007 Unfortunately some wont appreciate it .You are correct some won't appreciate it, but it will always be like that. I remember in the late 80' to early 90's when I was in the US Army stationed in Northern Germany, the older german people loved us American's because they told us that we freed them from Hitler. When I was attached to the scout unit and went to the field, we had old German farmers let us use their barns to sleep in. Me and some of the other soldiers would sleep up in 2nd floor of the barn where they stored some hay. During the cccccooooooollllldd German winters we were kept warm with all that hay surrounding our sleeping bags. Then in the morning the farmer would bring us breakfast with eggs, schnitzel, bratwurst, etc. much better than the breakfast from the chow hall a couple of miles aways where the rest of the unit was at. We did this several times in different barns at different cities. God Bless :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TM850R Posted September 14, 2007 Report Share Posted September 14, 2007 Its sad but good news does not sell as well as bad news. Cant blame the media for trying to make money. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RAzOR Posted September 14, 2007 Report Share Posted September 14, 2007 We gotta stick it out. The common Iraqi is terrified if we leave too soon. It's not so simple as "They want us out" that the "dumb-doves" here repeat over and over. "Just who IS 'They'?" I ask them. "Oh, the Iraqis" they answer in their stupid, ignorant, thumb-sucking placation. And they waddle off to get a chai-latte self-deludedly convinced that they are right. F-Ing idiots are gonna get more American's killed and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zappo Posted September 14, 2007 Report Share Posted September 14, 2007 http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/09/13/...able/index.htmlThese are the things you do not hear in the media, as they do not want to report it.Looks to me like the media did report on it, unless you think CNN isn't the media.The media does report this stuff because I have been hearing about it for years. You typically don't see it on TV though because good news doesn't sell. Newspapers are were you find reports like that typically. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cbon Posted September 14, 2007 Report Share Posted September 14, 2007 Its sad but good news does not sell as well as bad news. Cant blame the media for trying to make money.In the context of the subject of this thread, yes, you most certainly can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starfish Posted September 15, 2007 Report Share Posted September 15, 2007 Looks to me like the media did report on it, unless you think CNN isn't the media.The media does report this stuff because I have been hearing about it for years. You typically don't see it on TV though because good news doesn't sell. Newspapers are were you find reports like that typically.I wouldn't give the CNN website the same media weighting as their cable television network. On the CNN cable news network, you will NEVER see a positive story about the US military from their heavies Lou Dobbs, Anderson Cooper, Jack Cafferty or Paula Zahn. That video has about as good of a chance of getting aired on that network in prime time as the NY Times doing a scathing report on George Soros. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TM850R Posted September 15, 2007 Report Share Posted September 15, 2007 Do you never see the good stories, or do you just not pay attention to them. Everything in this country runs on money. The "media" as you would call it, does what they need to do to sell ads. The real media (newspapers, magazines, TV, etc.) does run these stories.Saying that the media outlets should not make money by reporting the war would be like telling Colt to stop producing weapons because they kill people in the war. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starfish Posted September 15, 2007 Report Share Posted September 15, 2007 Do you never see the good stories, or do you just not pay attention to them. Everything in this country runs on money. The "media" as you would call it, does what they need to do to sell ads. The real media (newspapers, magazines, TV, etc.) does run these stories.I don't beleve that network television, cable news and news print media's first goal is to make money over everything else evidently based on many of their recent declines in viewers or subscribers but to spread their liberal bias message first. Magazines and radio are an entirely different media group that are faithful to a select targeted audience with greater freedom over the content by their editors and personalities to go in any direction they choose left or right and their audience knows exactly what they are getting.Saying that the media outlets should not make money by reporting the war would be like telling Colt to stop producing weapons because they kill people in the war.I don't see your point in your analogy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 850T-5 Posted September 23, 2007 Report Share Posted September 23, 2007 I have a tremendous amount of respect for our troops and all of their sacrafice. I also think it's great that the young people in Iraq appreciate our presense. The problem with all the negative attention to this war is that there is more negative than positive and it is unfortunate. 170,000 troops in Iraq with a 180,000 Private Contractors and Special Interests who are profiting from this war. Our tax money while this money could go to equip our troops with the proper armorment, supplies and protection they need. To me, that is unamerican for anyone to stand by and let that continue. I'm sure they don't appreciate Blackwater shooting Iraqi people for sport (our own soldiers don't even like Blackwater), the uranium munitions used that is turning Iraq into a toxic dump where cancer is spreading at an alarming rate in result. They probably don't appreciate Haliburton taking over either. This war has been turned into a corporate free for all which is a complete slap in the face to our troops and stealing the funds they need for proper protection. The most unamerican thing anyone could do is to sit by and say "stay the course" because the course our government is on is wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starfish Posted September 24, 2007 Report Share Posted September 24, 2007 the uranium munitions used that is turning Iraq into a toxic dump where cancer is spreading at an alarming rate in result.The worst problem we face in this war is the deliberate spread of misinformattion from the left in this country. Being exposed to DU munitions has not been medically proven to cause cancer.http://usinfo.state.gov/media/Archive/2005.../24-107572.html Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 850T-5 Posted September 24, 2007 Report Share Posted September 24, 2007 Do some more research, I recommend watching "Iraq For Sale" to find out more about the unfortunate corporate free for all the war has turned into, money that could be going to properly protect and take care of our troops rather than profit for corporations. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starfish Posted September 24, 2007 Report Share Posted September 24, 2007 Do some more research, I recommend watching "Iraq For Sale" to find out more about the unfortunate corporate free for all the war has turned into, money that could be going to properly protect and take care of our troops rather than profit for corporations.If I already have the facts, why do I need further research? Afterall there can only be one set of facts right? Anything more is propaganda. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 850T-5 Posted September 24, 2007 Report Share Posted September 24, 2007 You know what the dead giveaway is, that you don't? Because there is absolutely no reason "anyone" unless running around scared of terrorists would be supporting this administration after everything if you really knew all the facts. Even most republicans who used to support him have abandonded support and most of his administration have jumped like rats from a sinking ship. Watch "Iraq For Sale", find out about the corporate free for all that Iraq really is and why our soldiers are continually disrespected by not getting the proper armor they need, bathing in and drinking contminated water that is contaminated and contains viruses which was supposed to be treated by Halliburton. The laundry service Halliburton provides that is so bad our soldiers don't even want them washing their clothes because they come out worse then they were. This is nothing either, the list goes on forever. If you really and truely did your research and had your facts straight you'd jump like a rat from a sinking ship as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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