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That part makes me not want to click sorry. :unsure:

Anyone know if the below tool has a specific name?

for pushing air into the cyl to do valve seals. Otherwise im just going to call a few places and ask for something like what was described.


(Just a male quick-connect on one side and a sprk plug thread with an o-ring on the other.)

napa doesnt know wtf im talking about :lol: said they have something called Air hold, spark plug 1 end and pipe on the other. ( found it ) http://www.napaonlin...R901_0006401354

idk how that works.

Rob, I have a few of those. PM me.

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What happened to all the 140's on ebay? They're GONE! I haven't seen anything but a few 145's on ebay in the last few months. I pased up on a super clean '72 144 that was local thinking something else would pop up and I was wrong. If you're looking for a stupid 1800ES, they're all over ebay all the time.

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Free 145 in VA Greg, it popped up somewhere through CL. I bet it's gone, it needed a fuel tank but the body looked straight and rust free.

I don't want a 145. That's all I seem to be able to find. I want another 142, pre 72 if I can choose with a straight body. They're surprisingly very rare in any condition/year. This also means that the price of my car went up.

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Secretary just asked me to go get her coffee. I'm not a facking errand boy, I'm an engineering intern. Suck it women of questionable morals..

bahhhh hahahah might want to check with the bossman to see if your responsibilities include errands. He might not agree with you :P

BUt seriously, who the fuck can't get their own damn coffee?

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It just pisses me off because

1. If I was graduated by now (only have until May until I graduate) I'd be higher up than you.

2. I'm a fucking engineering student, I didn't go to school to do shit for a stupid secretary.

I understand that I'm only here for three months and I can't really jump on any of the big projects, but damnit give me some small shit to do. I'm no one's errand boy. I understand that sometimes you have to shovel shit in the beginning but this is ridiculous. I'm doing absolutely nothing productive. I'll have a degree than less than 12.5% of those seeking higher education actually attain, put me to work.


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Yep final year at R.I.T. I'm not at Air Products, I'm actually working in Jersey right off of 78 at Foster Wheeler.

I was going to do FSAE when I transferred to R.I.T. but every single guy on that board is an asshole. They're all know-it-all tools and I couldn't stand it so I got out. I knew more than a good 50% of those guys but they wouldn't let me do anything because it was my first year at the school, though I already had 3 years worth of engineering under my belt.

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they made that or is that custom?

theres conversion/body kits, few of them look nice


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