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i've got a huge english final project that i can't stop putting off. the whole thing is just so much bullshit i can't bring myself to do it. it's only saturday night but i kinda wanna get some of it done but i'm soooo tired. i did the art part of it which was actually kinda fun but now i have to write this big ass poem about tom buchanan from the great gatsby and write a 3 page paper about how american literature from this year has changed my views on the world (not that hard at all until i found out we have to have a bunch of direct and cited quotes -_-) and THEN i have to write a 4 minute dialogue to do in front of the class between tom buchanan and some lady from this movie we watched in class. i only need half credit to keep my grade but this teacher is notoriously the biggest most sexist bitch ever (i get A's in english every year and this semester i'm struggling for a C). i hate this :angry: i'm just glad i got my derivatives figured out.

THREE MORE DAYS OF LEGITIMATE SCHOOL. then senior year which i'll probably pull a 4.0 and then college. whooo.

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Hey N

I'm interested as well, but as you know I'm kinda far away at the moment. I could of course PayPal, but would prefer to see them in person before comitting. When you say "orange peel", I assume you mean they have a bit of an orange shimmer to them!?!


fucking noobs...


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