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i don't blame W for this. i just blame the R's.

George is def in the clear now. Other than making a mockery of US citizen with that library, he is trying to change history.

don't get me started on long hair. :lol::P

Funny, that's what Obama keeps saying too. When was there ever a minority party that didn't line up and say, we hate you and we're going to torpedo your legislation? It's up to a leader to find ways to make things happen when dealing with petulant children.

Here's a fine example for you Mike (and any parents will totally relate) and then I'm moving away from political talk outside that forum:

This morning my 2 almost 3 year old is throwing a holy fit because she wants the purple bowl her older sister wants and originally asked for to put her Rice Krispies in. Now we could cave, which we considered, and just give the whiner what she's demanding because if we don't we know it will be miserable for everyone as she shrieks and wails in a puddle of tears on the floor. It's emotional terrorism at its finest. Instead, we look at her older sisters and pull out the pink and the white bowls and say, hey who wants a pink bowl? The older two quickly catch on and begin praising how much they want the pink bowl. Ultimately, the 3 year old, after giving everyone a side glance to see if they're serious about this, begins insisting that she wants the pink bowl. I ask one last time and she settles on the white bowl, which is what she usually uses in the morning - or at least this week she does. She knows that her older sister loves the purple bowl, that it's her favorite color, so it's clear she was demanding this just because it seemed like the popular or annoying thing to do. And she often does this but usually only after her sister has requested that bowl.

If Obama were a true leader, he'd convince the Republicans that they can move away from Red and he can move away from Blue and finding Purple is where the opportunity to bridge the gap lies. If they're really petulant children then be a grown up and learn how to deal with them. Otherwise he's just another petulant child declaring "it's my ball and I'm taking it home so the game is over unless you do it my way."

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... i have a bunch of money i'm sitting on trying to decide if i want to go offshore or not. the market is maxed out IMO and i don't want to buy in now.

Buy a bunch of these


and maybe a few of these


and find a safe place to hide them.

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gold is starting to shit the bed and i don't want to be the last guy in.

You mean you don't like to buy high sell low? But obama, and the goverments, and the dollar isn't real. We're all going to die, and gold is the only way you can buy your family's safety and health.
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You mean you don't like to buy high sell low? But obama, and the goverments, and the dollar isn't real. We're all going to die, and gold is the only way you can buy your family's safety and health.

Well...Gold and high capacity magazines for your AR15

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If the SHTF, guns get gold, gold gets ammo. Better get some guns, clips, ammo AND silver and gold! I'm not really into all that SHTF, dollar will crash, zombie apocalypse hysteria but the shiny sure is pretty.

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gold is starting to shit the bed and i don't want to be the last guy in.

i'll probably go into a hold position and hope the market plunges.

You realize it's not going to plunge right ? Turn off the TV, put down the WSJ for a few minutes and look at the trend over the past 3-6 months. The Dow's hit another high point, the day after all the talking heads were talking about stocks tanking and the market not recovering.

If you're not sure about the market, invest in some real estate in your area. Find a neighborhood that's transitioning in the right direction close to U Pitt's campus and buy a place. You don't even have to manage it, just buy it and turn it over to a management agency.

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