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Katrina Victim Sues For 3 Quadrillion Lol


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You, sir, are the fucking moron. Trust me.

And yes...George Bush knew about Katrina and let it happen for his personal financial gain, much like 9/11...

WHOOO HOOOO, now that is funny, you are one deep thinker! It's too late boys, he's already drank the Kool-Aid. El-director convicted and hanged in the the Supreme Court of the Soviet Socialist Republic of California

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WHOOO HOOOO, now that is funny, you are one deep thinker! It's too late boys, he's already drank the Kool-Aid. El-director convicted and hanged in the the Supreme Court of the Soviet Socialist Republic of California

Yeah hippies sucks. But keep the debate civil.... Joe

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You, sir, are the fucking moron. Trust me.

And yes...George Bush knew about Katrina and let it happen for his personal financial gain, much like 9/11...

. . . you're right, Bush's omnipotent powers not only control worldwide terrorism, gas prices, and multi-national corporations, but category 3 hurricanes as well!!!!


It might be time to put down that bong and Michael Moore DVD, and join the human race. ;)

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i think the cops might catch on if someone kills someone every week saying they were breaking in. In fact im sure they question it every time it happens, and especially if it happens more then once.


seriosuly officer I dont know why people keep on breaking in my house you would think after the 5 person dieing here those stinking robbers would get the picture


ahh that makes as much sense as Joe :lol:

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seriosuly officer I dont know why people keep on breaking in my house you would think after the 5 person dieing here those stinking robbers would get the picture


ahh that makes as much sense as Joe :lol:

You freak, now your the Black Plague! Cheese protobacteria indeed! :lol:

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seriosuly officer I dont know why people keep on breaking in my house you would think after the 5 person dieing here those stinking robbers would get the picture


ahh that makes as much sense as Joe :lol:

You freak, now your the Black Plague! Cheese protobacteria indeed! :lol:

WHAT HaPPENED? Sorry about the double tap on the button. :(

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How dare you say that? These words would only come out of the mouth of a bigoted, racist bastard.

It's George Bush's fault. He doesn't like black people. Him and all his buddies in the oil industry should pay up because they are the ones who caused Katrina from the climate change due to their footprint left on the environment. The only reason they let Katrina happen was to get Halliburton in there to rebuild so they could steal even more money from the working-class.

Who are you? Fucking Kanye West?

And you can't call Che out, that's like bitching about whoever is running for President when you aren't even registered to vote.

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I'm so tired of hearing racial issues? In my mind I see no color either your American or not? Most of those complaining were living off and still are living off the government?

Talk about racist?

"Colored" individuals have soooooo many opportunities ,groups and organizations to be involved with that whites are not allowed?

I don't believe that I have ever seen the United White Boy College fund? Or the NAAWP? Give the racial issue a break and stop blaming the government for all the problems?

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I couldn't agree more with "You're an american or you're not."

IMO, I think all race dividing programs should be shut down. No more "Minorities" please. No extra scholarships for blacks or asians, etc... I think everyone should be considered equal and have the same equal opportunities to either succeed or fail.

I don't believe in special privileges just because your a man or a woman or black or brown... everyone has the ability to work hard and succeed at attaining their goals, regardless of their color. It's not the color of my skin that gave me an edge over Shaniqua, and I'm tired of that excuse existing. If I beat you at a race it's cause I'm better than you, not because I'm white and screw you for being a sore loser.

And make inmates grow their own food too! Put the convicts in a huge compound and make them grow their own veggies, milk and slaughter their own cows. We should be living off them, not the other way around. They're the ones that screwed up and are supposed to be repaying their debt to society.

And make child support standard too! WTF. Base it on the age of the child and cost of living in the area the child lives, not on how much money the dad makes. I can't understand how Frank pays $600/month for one kid and Ted only pays $200/month for one kid. Child support should be a set amount, regardless of income... shouldn't have to pay more just because you make more, and you shouldn't get out of having to support your child completely just because you don't make as much money.

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I couldn't agree more with "You're an american or you're not."

IMO, I think all race dividing programs should be shut down. No more "Minorities" please. No extra scholarships for blacks or asians, etc... I think everyone should be considered equal and have the same equal opportunities to either succeed or fail.

I don't believe in special privileges just because your a man or a woman or black or brown... everyone has the ability to work hard and succeed at attaining their goals, regardless of their color. It's not the color of my skin that gave me an edge over Shaniqua, and I'm tired of that excuse existing. If I beat you at a race it's cause I'm better than you, not because I'm white and screw you for being a sore loser.

And make inmates grow their own food too! Put the convicts in a huge compound and make them grow their own veggies, milk and slaughter their own cows. We should be living off them, not the other way around. They're the ones that screwed up and are supposed to be repaying their debt to society.

And make child support standard too! WTF. Base it on the age of the child and cost of living in the area the child lives, not on how much money the dad makes. I can't understand how Frank pays $600/month for one kid and Ted only pays $200/month for one kid. Child support should be a set amount, regardless of income... shouldn't have to pay more just because you make more, and you shouldn't get out of having to support your child completely just because you don't make as much money.

where did this come from?

why is it that the guy always pays? I never did research on this.

J0E.. I am sorry but I think you are wrong.... the people of New Orleans knew that the levies were shallow and crappy.... they had the money... they did not fix it. Katrina came in and did all this damage... it happens... to think that Bush is responsible is funny actually.

even if Bush did not want to help out as much as he wanted to... people still would question him and do it anyways. you need to hang yourself and do us all a favor

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I think everyone should be considered equal and have the same equal opportunities to either succeed or fail.

I don't believe in special privileges just because your a man or a woman or black or brown... everyone has the ability to work hard and succeed at attaining their goals, regardless of their color.

I agree 100% . . . however . . . our society just doesn't work that way.

We sometimes confuse the terms "race" with "ethnicity" which I have come across many times in OT.

Race is a social construct as in in was created by society (or, to be more specific, white europeans) to differential themselves from those of the darker variety because they had the technology, access to resources, and ethnocentric beliefs to dominate a group of people. This is referred to as the Noel hypothesis and has been cited in numerous sociological studies. The term "race" and it's categorizing connotations differ from society to society. Here in the United States, because we are such a melting pot, the term carries economic, political, and social ramifications. This is mostly due to they way in which our society was first structured, and still is to this very day (although in the very near future, this may be changing more rapidly than we think). I.E. the majority of those who hold power in our society (CEO's, Politicians, etc.) are white and male, and then turn over their power to other white males. Even if those of color are equally (or in alot of cases) more qualified. Why? Because of the color of thier skin.

Race is an assigned social category, and cannot be changed. It is carried to every job interview, every encounter with another human being, everything. Immediate stereotypes are made, and people are placed into a group of other people, etc, etc. It is they way our minds/brains work (whether you are a monist or a dualist). It is part of being human. It is just how we quickly assess new information and try and make sense of our world.

Ethnicity is a way in which a population of people identify with each other, and is not necessarily determined by the color of one's skin. Myself, living and working in one of the most diverse cities in the world encounter this everyday. Call someone who identifies themselves as "X" and is called "Y" and I guarentee they would probably take offense.

But being white in our American society automatically carries social privileges (and if you can't already tell this is not intended as racist comment). If you are white you get to "choose" your ethinicity. I have Norweigen and Czecholslovakian ancestory. I can eat lutafisk (gross) and ski, or drink a nice could pilsner and have pork and dumplings to celebrate it. I get to choose, but if you are of color you do not. No one, just looking at the color of my skin, immediatley groups me based on negative stereotypes regarding my cultural heritage. I'm not regarded as being lazy, or stupid, or crafty, or sneaky, or needy. I'm just white. If you are not, then given one instance where an assumption can be made, all of a sudden all the other negative stereotypes show up as well.

What is Charlize Theron. What is her race? What is her ethnicity? Is she white? Is she African American? Is she both? Its rhetorical . . . . I know. But an example nonetheless that it is not an issue that is black and white (no pun intended).

Read "Race, Class, and Gender In the United States" or better yet "The Mismeasure of Man" by Stephen Jay Gould if anyone is more interested in the topic. "The Bell Curve" is also an interesting read, if you want to hear both sides of the argument.

So before we get excited about doing away with all the social programs that have gotten us this far . . . and dismantling institutions that have intergrated all levels of society, and blaming "the goverment" for Katrina's aftermath and the people still trying to make a life for themselves there. Put yourself in a different color of skin for a while. And see what happens . . .

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Ever see a commercial that makes the white male look like an idiot? Like everyone of them! Most persecuted religion? Try Christians, and Catholics especially. Race is one thing nationality another. So I'm the most minor of minorities, Irish-Roman Catholic, Polish-Ukranian Jew, Nigerian! I have a relative who was a slave owner 6-7 generations ago, and had no wife. He fathered a child or 2 with one of his slaves. That means I have to pay restitution to myself! All this means is I can dance an Irish jig with more soul, and I put barbecue sauce on my perogies. BFD. I'm an American, my family came here and learned the language, and pulled themselve up by the boot straps. My Great Grandfathers were train men and factory workers, my Grandfathers were business men and transportation employees, my father put himself thru Yale, and my brother and I are college grads, I'm in electrical engineering, and my brother is a biologist. See the progression? It took 4 generations for my family to get out of the slums and the coal fields. I expect the same from everyone else. And if you don't think the Irish were not persecuted, read up. The Jews know slavery. Poles were murdered by the millions. Everybody has a story. The moral? GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Do the right thing, work hard, harm no one and expect nothing from others. Thats the American way. Oh yeah, buy guns and protect The Constitution.

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The moral? GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Do the right thing, work hard, harm no one and expect nothing from others. Thats the American way. Oh yeah, buy guns and protect The Constitution.


P.S. That used to be the American way and I for see it rebounding real soon!!


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Was looking for a different respose besides a reference to a Budweiser commercial.

I thought we were talking about race, and Katrina, not religion.

I am also grateful to consider myself American, but how does one define what "American" is?

It is interesting you traced success through paternity; trains, to factories, to businesses, to goverment work, to Yale.

Four genrations to get "out"? So that means those currently trying to pull themselves up by the boot straps have 120 more years to get to the standard of living you and I consider reasonable?

The Irish were white, and the last I checked, still are. Is that a historical reference of ethnicity, compared to a 21st century context of race?

Do The Right Thing? I thought I was playing the role of Spike Lee.

Buy guns and protect the . . . . . . . . wait, I thought I was the Texan.

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