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Fuel Pump

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lol erik with the random pwnage.and i never considered fuel pump as stage 0...and seeing 90-180k on pumps theres a lot to be said for pump longevity.  thats what im trying to see...why some pumps are getting nearly twice the life of others.

They run constantly so armature bushings, brushes, commuter, pump vanes, rollers, gears, etc will eventually wear out.

Sediment and rust can get past the filter, get inside the pump, etc, and burn out the motor.

Relays and electrics can go bad, especailly if you have a bad battery.

If you run lean for an extended period of time the fuel itself acts as a lubricant and coolant so that can kill it as well. 

Noob. :rolleyes:  ;)

Edit:  And they all have the ADS system (Asian Driver Sensor) that automatically shortens their life to half.

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I'd say one of the most common causes of premature fuel pump failure is by those who like to run on E for extended periods of time since the fuel actually cools the pump. this can cause it to eventually burn out over time.

I always replace Fuel Pump and FI relays as preventative maintenance, since they do and can fail at higher mileages. It won't help the pump last longer but they're fairly easy, inexpensive and you won't have to worry about them being a problem later.

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I'd say one of the most common causes of premature fuel pump failure is by those who like to run on E for extended periods of time since the fuel actually cools the pump. this can cause it to eventually burn out over time.

Didn't even think of that. Nice.

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The walboro is going on regardless, so it's not of major concern to me. However here's a kicker for all you guys. She started right up and i drove her 15 minutes from my parking lot to my house no issues. Turned her off and tested to see if it was a fluke and she started right up again. So what now? Fuel pumps don't come back from the dead...atleast i wouldn't think so. I got a new gremlin to hunt down and kill. O and btw i'm starting to wonder if the problems i've been having arent' weather related. Every time she starts acting funky its during warm weather 65* and up...and we've been getting random runs of hot and cold every other day or 2 days for the last month and pretty much how sparatic the issues have been.

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