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hello guys... long night tonight... talked to a bunch of gitrls. could hav taken them home.... but you know what Grant really makes me feel like a real man...

Pent-house party was crazy fun. the girls would make you giz... especially you young lads.

20th floor, and free liquor hmmm... 22 year old girls.. hmm.. tasty... SOOO much better than the girls that are posted on this forum

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hello guys... long night tonight... talked to a bunch of gitrls. could hav taken them home.... but you know what Grant really makes me feel like a real man...

Pent-house party was crazy fun. the girls would make you giz... especially you young lads.

20th floor, and free liquor hmmm... 22 year old girls.. hmm.. tasty... SOOO much better than the girls that are posted on this forum

LOL :rolleyes:

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monkeyin tequila...sooo good. Live chat forces me to drink late at night...sam and paul were just having to much fun with mj so I turned to tequila my firsntd. is the screen bludrry because I need glases or bc ofthe alcohol

you sdefinitely just need some glasses mike, the screen is blurrgy as furck.

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