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Cost Of War

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Right. Hindsight is 20/20. We can what if forever..... History for some reason likes to keep repeating itself. God damn humans screwing it up for eveyrone. When will we learn.

Never, its funny. We build cities, ways to communicate, volvospeed, myspace, phones, etc...all so we can fight with each other... Why are we trying to connect when we all hate each other?

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great point! lets also talk about all the people we pay in the government that do not do ANYTHING... the women behind me gets 80k a year to sleep at her desk, go to 2 hour lunches, ask me how to attach files to e-mails... and she is 1 of 1million people just like her... and then they get pissed that they hire contractors to do their jobs.

do not get me started on illegals wanting free health care and in-state tuition to go to college


Illegals wanting health care without paying taxes into the system that they are effectively stealing from burns me more than most things. I dont give a shit if you wanted a better life go through the appropriate channels. Thats like stealing a Flat screen tv so your quality of life increases. If you want something better than what you have 9.99999 times out of 10 you have to work for it.

Our govt would have been getting reamed by the same people that are pissed off now had we not gone to Iraq or Afgan. Its the nature of their being, they like to bitch and moan about everything that isnt their point of view. And even when they get something that they came up with that goes wrong they blame it on everyone else.

Now who can tell me what word should be in the place of all the bolded words???

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I understand people from a 3rd or 4th world country coming to america for a better life.. i have NO problem with that.

but when you do it the wrong way and expect to have healthcare and all the rights legal citizens do.. yet you do not pay taxes and get paid under the table... then you do not have the RIGHT to be here.

take the amount of money that we (US citizens) pay to support people that should not be in this country, illegals, and I am sure no one is bitching about that as much as the war.

put illegals in the military and see what happens

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Maybe we would not be here if the towers were still here, or Iraq complied with the UN, or Hitler stuck to Europe. God damn Saxons screwing it up for everyone

I thought there were no verified source indicate any terrorist involve in 9/11 incident were from Iraq. I don't see Korea, India or Paskistan is complying with the UN regard nuclear weapons/programs at this point. Matter of fact, due to the invasion of Iraq, we lost our concentration on Osama Bin Laden and he is still at large and laughing at us.

Are you really using the withdrawal from Saigon as how we should leave Iraq? That alone speaks volumes.

I'm not saying it's the same exit route we should take. However, what I'm saying if it weren't for the public awareness regarding the war, the U.S would be in Vietnam for another 10 -20 years.

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Your "sources" are incorrect. And at the time we entered Iraq there was a 75%+approval rating the highest of any conflict. We were in Vietnam 20 years. Should we have been? Probably not but its a slippery slope once you engage in a conflict.

he is arguing that fact that NOW people do not want us in there anymore

but the american people are dumb and do not realize that if we leave then we are "wasting" the 3 trillion

and I promise you if we do leave and something bad happens to america or the iraq people... no one will stand up and say.. oh sorry we should have stayed

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he is arguing that fact that NOW people do not want us in there anymore

Which is certainly a gross generalization. The north of Iraq, which is kurdish, could not be any happier that we are there and that we deposed saddam. The south is quite similar in their disposition towards americans and their presence. Both areas are pretty quiet, and it bugs me that the media chooses to completely ignore the success we have had in both regions.

As a side note, while there certainly are Iraqi's who don't want us there, I'd be confident to say that there are waaaaay more americans who don't want us there than Iraqis who feel the same way. (by Americans, i mean the smelly protester move on dot org kind)

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i dont really care what the reason is, but im pissed my us dollars are going down the toilet.

are you pissed at welfare? are you pissed at illegals? are you pissed at the cost of medical expenses?

the war is not the only thing taking money out of your paycheck... at least the war is not the highest reason it is being taken out of.

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Guest 850T-5

Iraq and Sadam had absolutely no connection to Al Qaida, 9/11 or terrorism abroad, it is fact and known by most unless you are one of those that tries to justify things by rewriting history in your head. This has been confirmed by the CIA and State Department.

What most people fail to understand is that Sadam was finally complying and agreed to let the inspectors finish when George Bush called and told all the inspectors to "get out" because bombs are coming in.

Paul O'Neil, former Treasury Secretary under George W. Bush revealed that plans were on the table 8 days after Bush's inauguration. Former CIA members said that Cheney pressured them to find or make up anything to link Iraq to Al Qaida and WMD.

Paul O'Neil discusses plans to occupy Iraq 8 Days after Bush was in office

War is great business for the corrupt elite and high ranking Government Officials, lots of money to be paid. A corrupt Government, corrupt corporate controlled media control your minds.

This war had nothing to do with it's stated purpose, nor was it a mistake. In fact it was intentionally planned and executed poorly by those in command (not sealing off the borders after we arrived and the countless other mistakes), so we can stay as long as possible.

If there were no corporate special interests, we wouldn't have had this war, I guarantee it. Democrats and Republicans are all to blame while most people fail to realize it. In fact Bill Clinton had taken part in some of the foreign policy planning with George H.W. Bush.

A great president even warned the American people of a very real prospect of a "Military Industrial Comples", which is happening right now while very few people actually understand and are aware.

Dwight D. Eisenhower Farwell Address

BTW, this is written by someone who originally supported the war.

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We have a war fought with borrowed funds, likely from China, Middle East or other nations with which we trade. So we are paying nearly $4 for a gallon of gas, much of which comes from the same countries that have lent us money to finance the war. And some of those countries may also be funding the very groups that lead America into the war in the first place. We pay twice to keeps things in notion.

So Americans borrow more money to fund an unpopular war and grow the economy so we can afford gas at $4 a gallon and then pay it back with higher taxes on inflated dollars. It's sort of like the guy in the neighborhood bar who is pleased to continue lending you money so long as you don't ask too man questions about the details and source of funds. It's no wonder the Bush Administration has lost the confidence of most of us.

Now, on another topic, where do you wonder the rebate (free money) coming to you in May is borrowed from? ;)

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We have a war fought with borrowed funds, likely from China, Middle East or other nations with which we trade. So we are paying nearly $4 for a gallon of gas, much of which comes from the same countries that have lent us money to finance the war. And some of those countries may also be funding the very groups that lead America into the war in the first place. We pay twice to keeps things in notion.

So Americans borrow more money to fund an unpopular war and grow the economy so we can afford gas at $4 a gallon and then pay it back with higher taxes on inflated dollars. It's sort of like the guy in the neighborhood bar who is pleased to continue lending you money so long as you don't ask too man questions about the details and source of funds. It's no wonder the Bush Administration has lost the confidence of most of us.

Now, on another topic, where do you wonder the rebate (free money) coming to you in May is borrowed from? ;)

if you are STILL bitching about $4 gas... go over seas. PLUS I would pay $4 a gallon for gas if it keeps our country from becoming another 9/11

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Guest 850T-5

In regard to 9/11

Many people just don't get it. Governments, including ours have planned, carried out and aided in terror attacks to create pretext for wars and to further agendas. This is nothing new.

For example, the CIA's own Operation Northwoods document from 1962 shows a plan to blowup U.S. airliners blaming it on the Cubans as a pretext for war. This was approved to the highest level until rejected in disgust by then president John F. Kennedy.

Additionally, you have PNAC (Project For New American Century), a neo-conservative thinktank calling for a "New Pearl Harbor" to rebuild our defenses before 9/11. This is another actual document that can be found. In fact Dick Cheneys name was on the .pdf document available from PNAC and was since removed by the Government.

The docunments, the facts, the evidence goes on. Some cave dwelling middle eastern terrorist organization did NOT carry out the attacks, or at least carry them out alone. A lot more was involved to distract the most sophisticated military in the world and to intentionally ignore countless intelligence from the Clinton Administration to the Bush Administration.

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