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Do Not Buy From Speed Tuning!


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Integrity dictates you deliver regardless of the price. If you are willing to do the deal you need to deliver on it.

USPS isn't going to do jack. If you want good service you have to use Fedex. I have rarely had a problem and when I have they have paid within 7 days. I have jumped through hoops of fire with USPS, documentation in triplicate, photos, etc... and received nothing in return. Anything that needs t be shipped insured needs to go Fedex or at least UPS. If you want cheap delivery with no guarantees it will arrive go USPS.


"Integrity dictates you deliver regardless of the price. If you are willing to do the deal you need to deliver on it."

That's the truth there. Screw 'caveat emptor'

I say you sue em.

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Your reference number is: 156888

The following is the information you have submitted on August 25, 2008 at 10:46 AM:

Prefix Mr.

First Name Christopher

Last Name XXXXXX

Address XXXXXX


State FL

Zip Code 33764

Best Telephone Number to use during the Day 813-XXXXXXX

E-mail Address cnikolich@XXXXXX

Business Name Speedtuning USA

Business Address 2203 Spemcerville Road

Business City Spencerville

Business State MD

Business Zip Code 20868

Business Primary Telephone Number 301-421-9464

Business E-Mail Address info@speedtuningusa.com

How did you hear about the business? Advertisement - Internet

Where did the purchase or lease take place? Mail

When did the purchase take place? 6/21/2008

What would you like the business to do? Other Corrective Action

Please describe your dispute On Saturday June 21st 2008 I sent my car’s ECU in a padded pelican case to Oliver @ Speedtuning. There was a group buy organized through my car-club forum and we had 10 people together buying at the same time to get a reduced rate. I have all the emails to back up every step of this endeavor. When I received the ECU on Tuesday 7/1/08 I did not receive my pelican case back. I asked Oliver with Speedtuning to send it back and he refused to do so at his expense. This case is to protect the ECU and is a standard procedure for this type of shipment. I am in the electronics business and that is how we ship electronic items. Oliver stated to me that he has never seen anyone ship in a case like this and he will not ship back at his expense. IPD USA @ www.ipdusa.com uses the same exact case for this service and recommends it when shipping. The case is no larger than a thick brief case. Oliver shipped my ECU in a USPS envelope and risked damaging it. He did damage another person’s ECU in the group buy from his poor packaging, that can read @ http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?showtopic=101785. The agreement was for $235.00 plus $20 shipping and handling in a postal money order included with your ECU. The link to the agreement is http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?s...amp;hl=groupbuy. I paid and never received the pelican case back. Please help. These cases are not cheap.

How did you hear about our office? Other

Do you have any documents that support your complaint? yes

Description of supporting documents Emails back and forth detailing every step. Including all the incriminating confessions from Oliver.

Most recent date consumer contacted business 8/19/2008

Person complained to at the business Oliver

How much did you pay? 255.00

How did you pay? money order

Have you filed with another agency? no

Have you contacted an attorney or filed a lawsuit? no

If "Other", please describe Send my case back to: AVI-SPL ATTN; Chris Nikolich XXXXXXX

Please print this page for your records.

If you need to submit supporting documents, please enclose a copy of this page with the documents and the mail or fax them to:

Consumer Protection Division

200 St. Paul Place, 16th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21202

Fax:(410) 576-6566

Failure to submit supporting documents or enclose a copy of this page with your documents will delay processing of your submission.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at 410-576-6550.

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"Integrity dictates you deliver regardless of the price. If you are willing to do the deal you need to deliver on it."

That's the truth there. Screw 'caveat emptor'

I say you sue em.

You can think that but thats not the way it is. Maybe integrity brings a high price or maybe its the higher price that brings integrity. Chicken or the egg I guess but you get what you pay for ;)

As for suing. LOL. Have fun with that.

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