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Read Before You Debadge!


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So were they DIY or Volvo accessory badges?

They look pretty stock to me. I don't know the previous owner, but he was the original owner. He did have an R rear spoiler on it though, unless for some reason you could get those as an option on the T-5R?

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They look pretty stock to me.  I don't know the previous owner, but he was the original owner.  He did have an R rear spoiler on it though, unless for some reason you could get those as an option on the T-5R?

T-5Rs came with the deck wing as a standard piece. Re the side badges, I didn't want to eff with lights so I painted the "Volvo" fender badges glossy black to match my car. Oddly enough my unobservant-when-it-comes-to-cars wife* noticed the change and agreed it looked good.

*E.G.: (for just one) She had a rentacar for a week and never discovered it had a sunroof. <_<

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Ok. I'm a little past frustrated, but not yet to the point of pissed. I'm close though.

Here's what I got.

light housings.

I assumed that I would have to make a wiring harness because Mr. r850glt offered to sell me a couple. However, since I ordered, "lights", I thought they would actually come with light BULBS. No, not the case (part number 5080800, Advance Auto).

Ok, so I've made my cute little wiring harnesses. I look at the VS install. (http://volvospeed.com/Mods/sturninstall2.htm) It seems all of the pictures are in super closeup mode. Being able to view the surrounding area would have been nice. How that wire is supposed to get to the front of the car is a mystery. I wound up fishtaping the wire from the hole left from removing the marker to the hinge area. Because I don't like the idea of running the wire from the hinge area to the blinker, OVER the side of the car, I removed the blinker and drilled a small hole behind it. I ran the fishtape from that hole to the hinge area where I picked up the wire and pulled it to the front. My second complaint about the install is the wiring diagram.

Turn Signals Green and Black Blue Striped Green & Black

Side Markers and Signals Green and White Blue Striped Green & White

Well, they ARE side markers, but I'm connecting them to the turn signals. Hmm. Enie menie miney moe... black, white, black, white, black... Screw it, let's try white.

So I (not believing in crimps) solder the wires up and cover them with shrink tubing.

Now I'm at the point where I simply "click" in the lamp. There is a visible gap around the lamp. Does anyone think this looks stock? What the hell man>? Let's try it backwards. Maybe the pic is wrong. No, still has a gap.

I'll paint the hole I drilled with "no rust stuff" after I finish the passenger side.

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The answer to the gap problem was to remove the foam pad on the back of the lamp and use hot glue in it's place.

They look great. It's morning now (not for long) and I'm pleased with the results.

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i could only see taking the badges off of the rear if you just had a N/A car like a regular 850 or S70. but if you have anything else, show it off. i could see maybe leaving only the turbo badge on mine, but that is kinda tacky for people that don't know volvos.

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